时间: 2023-06-21 13:03:44 浏览: 284
AIS_InteractiveContext 是 OpenCASCADE 技术中用于交互式显示的类。它提供了与用户界面的交互,例如鼠标和键盘事件处理,以及计算机辅助设计 (CAD) 操作,例如选择和变换对象。AIS_InteractiveContext 还管理着场景中的所有对象,包括它们的渲染和选择状态。在 OpenCASCADE 中,AIS_InteractiveContext 是实现 CAD 应用程序的重要组件之一。
AIS_InteractiveContext how to use
AIS_InteractiveContext is a class in Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) that provides an interactive 3D viewer for displaying and manipulating 3D models. Here is an example of how to use it:
1. Create a window and a view:
Handle(Aspect_DisplayConnection) aDispConnection = new Aspect_DisplayConnection();
Handle(Aspect_Window) aWindow = new Aspect_Window(aDispConnection, "My Window", 0, 0, 640, 480);
Handle(V3d_Viewer) aViewer = new V3d_Viewer(aWindow);
2. Create an interactive context:
Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) anInteractiveContext = new AIS_InteractiveContext(aViewer);
3. Load a 3D model:
Handle(AIS_Shape) aShape = new AIS_Shape(aSolid);
anInteractiveContext->Display(aShape, Standard_True);
4. Start the interactive viewer:
This will display the 3D model and allow the user to interact with it using mouse and keyboard controls. You can also add more functionality, such as selecting and highlighting parts of the model, by using the methods provided by AIS_InteractiveContext.
Open CASCADE中AIS_InteractiveObject容器名称
在Open CASCADE中,AIS_InteractiveObject容器通常被称为AIS_InteractiveContext。这个容器是一个全局对象,用于管理所有的AIS_InteractiveObject对象。通过AIS_InteractiveContext,您可以添加、删除、选择、高亮显示、设置属性等操作AIS_InteractiveObject对象。此外,AIS_InteractiveContext还可以管理多个视图(View)和窗口(Window),并且可以将不同的AIS_InteractiveObject对象分配到不同的视图或窗口中。因此,AIS_InteractiveContext是Open CASCADE中一个非常重要的对象,您需要熟练掌握它的使用方法才能更好地进行交互式3D对象的开发。