websocket 发生错误:[object event]
时间: 2024-02-01 22:01:08 浏览: 224
WebSocket 发生错误通常是由于连接问题或者服务器端的异常等原因导致的。首先要确保客户端和服务器端的网络连接是正常的,可以通过检查网络状态、尝试使用其他设备连接等方法来验证。
ws does not work in the browser. Browser clients must use the native WebSocket object
WebSocket是一种在单个TCP连接上进行全双工通信的协议,最初是为了实现实时、双向的Web应用程序而设计的。然而,浏览器环境下的客户端确实有其限制。标准的WebSocket API(JavaScript的`WebSocket`对象)是浏览器内置的,用于在服务器和浏览器之间建立持久连接,发送二进制数据以及文本数据。
1. **兼容性问题**:老版本的浏览器可能不支持WebSocket,需要检查目标用户的浏览器版本并提供合适的降级方案,比如使用XHR轮询作为备选。
2. **跨域限制**:浏览器出于安全考虑,对于来自不同源(CORS)的WebSocket连接有限制,开发者需要设置正确的CORS头来允许跨域。
3. **错误配置**:如果服务器端的WebSocket服务未正确配置,或者前端代码初始化WebSocket时出现了问题,也会导致连接失败。
- 使用现代浏览器(大部分现代浏览器都内置了WebSocket支持)
- 正确初始化WebSocket对象,例如:
let socket = new WebSocket('ws://yourserver.com/path');
- 处理错误和连接状态变化:
socket.onerror = function(event) {
// 处理错误
socket.onopen = function() {
// 连接成功
socket.onmessage = function(event) {
// 接收消息
go websocket
WebSockets are a protocol that provides a bi-directional, full-duplex communication channel over a single TCP connection. They enable real-time, low-latency communication between a client (usually a web browser) and a server.
To use WebSockets in a Go application, you can use the `gorilla/websocket` package. Here's an example of how to set up a WebSocket server:
package main
import (
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{
ReadBufferSize: 1024,
WriteBufferSize: 1024,
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWebSocket)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
func handleWebSocket(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Println("error upgrading to WebSocket:", err)
defer conn.Close()
for {
// Read message from client
_, message, err := conn.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
log.Println("error reading message:", err)
// Echo message back to client
err = conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, message)
if err != nil {
log.Println("error writing message:", err)
In this example, we first set up an `upgrader` that will upgrade an HTTP connection to a WebSocket connection. We then define a `handleWebSocket` function that will handle WebSocket connections. Inside this function, we upgrade the connection using the `upgrader`, and then enter a loop to read messages from the client and echo them back.
To connect to this WebSocket server from a web browser, you can use JavaScript and the `WebSocket` API:
const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/ws");
ws.addEventListener("open", () => {
console.log("Connected to WebSocket server");
ws.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
console.log("Received message from server:", event.data);
ws.addEventListener("close", () => {
console.log("Disconnected from WebSocket server");
ws.send("Hello, server!");
In this example, we create a new `WebSocket` object and connect to the server at `ws://localhost:8080/ws`. We then set up event listeners for the `open`, `message`, and `close` events. When the connection is opened, we log a message to the console. When a message is received from the server, we log it to the console. When the connection is closed, we log a message to the console. Finally, we send a message to the server using the `send` method.