cmdLine.append("/c D:\\Progreams\\C\\Project1\\2_cmdTest\\stm32isp\\x64\\Release\\stm32isp.exe a b c d e f g h i j k"); 分析含义
时间: 2024-04-05 07:28:24 浏览: 112
这段代码是使用C++语言中的cmdLine.append()函数将一个字符串"/c D:\\Progreams\\C\\Project1\\2_cmdTest\\stm32isp\\x64\\Release\\stm32isp.exe a b c d e f g h i j k"添加到cmdLine变量中。根据代码中的路径和参数,可以分析出以下含义:
- "/c"表示执行完命令后关闭命令提示符窗口。
- "D:\\Progreams\\C\\Project1\\2_cmdTest\\stm32isp\\x64\\Release\\stm32isp.exe"是要执行的可执行文件的路径。
- "a b c d e f g h i j k"是作为参数传递给可执行文件的一系列参数。
分析蓝牙打印”05-22 20:55:15.340 3861 3861 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@1702c5f 05-22 20:55:15.405 3861 3861 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:444 com.zhiying.bluetoothmodelservice.MainActivity.sendBroadcast:643 com.zhiying.bluetoothmodelservice.MainActivity.onCreate:84 05-22 20:55:15.409 1936 5786 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast android.newlink.exit.bluetoothSpeaker from system 3861:com.zhiying.bluetoothmodelservice/1000 pkg com.zhiying.bluetoothmodelservice 05-22 20:55:15.419 1936 5786 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast android.newlink.exit.bluetoothSpeaker from system 3861:com.zhiying.bluetoothmodelservice/1000 pkg com.zhiying.bluetoothmodelservice 05-22 20:55:15.491 1797 1797 I MediaPlayerFactory: [getNameByPid:285] pid(3861), cmdline task_name(com.zhiying.bluetoothmodelservice). 05-22 20:55:15.561 3861 5918 W MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (710, 20) 05-22 20:55:15.562 3861 5918 W MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (710, 40) 05-22 20:55:15.610 3861 5918 W MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (710, 80) 05-22 20:55:15.628 3861 5918 W MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (710, 90) 05-22 20:55:15.628 3861 3861 I bt.sink.btconAc: true-------service-------- 05-22 20:55:15.628 3861 5918 W MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (710, 100) 05-22 20:55:15.629 3861 3861 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:664 com.zhiying.bluetoothmodelservice.MainActivity.setBluetoothServiceStatus:354 com.zhiying.bluetoothmodelservice.MainActivity.initData:187 com.zhiying.bluetoothmodelservice.MainActivity.onCreate:89 05-22 20:55:15.649 3861 3861 I UartUtils: setState: true 05-22 20:55:15.649 3861 3861 I HiMW_TVClient: [invoke:53] =============invoke cmd = 0xf10a=======begin============= 05-22 20:55:15.653 3861 3861 I HiMW_TVClient: [invoke:65] =============invoke cmd = 0xf10a=======end=============== 05-22 20:55:15.654 3861 3861 W AudioManager: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control 05-22 20:55:15.654 3861 3861 W AudioManager: See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case 05-22 20:55:15.655 1936 5786 I MediaFocusControl: requestAudioFocus() from uid/pid 1000/3861 callingPack=com.zhiying.bluetoothmodelservice req=2 flags=0x0 sdk=29 05-22 20:55:15.658 3861 3861 D bt.sink.btconAc: onResume: 05-22 20:55:15.658 3861 3861 D bt.sink.btconAc: getBreathingScreenDatas: Could not find remote control icon properties 05-22 20:55:15.702 3861 3861 I bt.sink.btsevice: blueToothChange:关闭 05-22 20:55:15.706 3861 3861 D BluetoothAdapter: enable(): BT already enabled! 05-22 20:55:15.738 3861 3894 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0 05-22 20:55:15.738 3861 3894 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retriev
哪个proc文件可以查看进程的环境表? A. /proc/xxxx/commB./proc/xxxx/environ C./proc/xxxx/exe D./proc/xxxx/cmdline