round((count(distinct uid, date_format(submit_time, '%y%m%d'))) / count(distinct uid), 2) as avg_active_days 怎么理解
时间: 2024-05-18 12:16:07 浏览: 134
这段 SQL 语句的作用是计算平均活跃天数,具体解释如下:
1. `count(distinct uid, date_format(submit_time, '%y%m%d'))`:这部分代码是对(uid, date)进行去重计数,即计算出有多少个不同的用户在不同的日期提交了数据。
2. `count(distinct uid)`:这部分代码是计算所有不同的用户数,即计算出有多少个不同的用户在整个时间段内提交了数据。
3. `avg_active_days`:这部分代码是计算平均活跃天数的结果,并将结果保留两位小数。
select u_i.uid as uid, count(distinct act_month) as act_month_total, count(distinct case when year(act_time) = 2021 then act_day end) as act_days_2021, count(distinct case when year(act_time) = 2021 and tag = 'exam' then act_day end) as act_days_2021_exam, count(distinct case when year(act_time) = 2021 and tag = 'question' then act_day end) as act_days_2021_question from user_info u_i left join (select uid, start_time as act_time, date_format(start_time, '%Y%m') as act_month, date_format(start_time, '%Y%m%d') as act_day, 'exam' as tag from exam_record union all select uid, submit_time as act_time, date_format(submit_time, '%Y%m') as act_month, date_format(submit_time, '%Y%m%d') as act_day, 'question' as tag from practice_record ) exam_and_practice on exam_and_practice.uid = u_i.uid where u_i.level >= 6 group by uid order by act_month_total desc, act_days_2021 desc
这是一条 SQL 查询语句,用于查询用户的活跃度。具体来说,它会统计用户在不同时间段内参加考试或练习的次数,并按照总活跃度和2021年活跃度排序。其中,act_month_total 表示用户参加考试或练习的活跃月份数,act_days_2021 表示用户在2021年参加考试或练习的天数,act_days_2021_exam 和 act_days_2021_question 分别表示用户在2021年参加考试或练习、且标记为“exam”或“question”的天数。该语句使用了左连接和子查询等高级语法,适用于较大规模的数据查询。
select date_format(submit_time,'%Y%m') submit_month, count( distinct uid,submit_time) month_q_cnt , ase when month(submit_time) in ('1','3','5','7','8','10','12') then round(count(distinct uid,submit_time)/31,2) , case when month(submit_time) in ('4','6','9','11') then round(count(distinct uid,submit_time)/30,2) , else round(count(distinct uid,submit_time)/28,2) end avg_day_q_cnt from practice_record where year(submit_time)='2021' group by submit_month 这段sql有什么错误
这段 SQL 语句中有一个语法错误,即 `ase` 应该是 `case`。修正后的 SQL 语句如下:
select date_format(submit_time,'%Y%m') submit_month,
count(distinct uid,submit_time) month_q_cnt,
case when month(submit_time) in ('1','3','5','7','8','10','12') then round(count(distinct uid,submit_time)/31,2)
when month(submit_time) in ('4','6','9','11') then round(count(distinct uid,submit_time)/30,2)
else round(count(distinct uid,submit_time)/28,2) end avg_day_q_cnt
from practice_record
where year(submit_time)='2021'
group by submit_month;
修正后的 SQL 语句中,将 `ase` 改为了 `case`,并且在 `case when` 子句中,将第二个 `case when` 改为了 `when`,同时增加了 `end` 关键字,使得语法正确。