xyz转blh matlab函数
时间: 2023-09-10 11:06:53 浏览: 495
matlab.zip_xyz 转_xyz2blh_xyz2enu_xyz转经纬_经纬
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以下是一个将 XYZ 坐标转换为 BLH 坐标的 MATLAB 函数:
function [lat, lon, alt] = xyz2blh(x, y, z, a, b)
% XYZ2BLH Convert XYZ coordinates to geodetic coordinates.
% [LAT, LON, ALT] = XYZ2BLH(X, Y, Z, A, B) converts the input Cartesian
% coordinates X, Y, and Z (in meters) to geodetic coordinates LAT and LON
% (in degrees) and ALT (in meters) using the specified reference ellipsoid
% defined by semi-major axis A and semi-minor axis B (in meters).
% Convert Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates
[theta, phi, r] = cart2sph(x, y, z);
% Compute ellipsoid parameters
e2 = (a^2 - b^2) / a^2;
ep2 = (a^2 - b^2) / b^2;
% Compute geodetic latitude
lat = atan2((z / r),((1 - e2) * sqrt(x^2 + y^2) / r));
old_lat = 0;
while (abs(lat - old_lat) > 1e-10)
old_lat = lat;
N = a / sqrt(1 - e2 * sin(old_lat)^2);
lat = atan2((z / r + ep2 * N * sin(old_lat)), sqrt(x^2 + y^2));
% Compute geodetic longitude
lon = atan2(y, x);
% Compute geodetic altitude
N = a / sqrt(1 - e2 * sin(lat)^2);
alt = sqrt(x^2 + y^2) / cos(lat) - N;
% Convert latitude and longitude to degrees
lat = rad2deg(lat);
lon = rad2deg(lon);
要使用此函数,请提供 XYZ 坐标和 reference ellipsoid 的参数 a 和 b。例如,要将 XYZ 坐标 `[100, 50, 200]` 转换为 BLH 坐标,使用 WGS84 ellipsoid 的参数,可以执行以下操作:
x = 100;
y = 50;
z = 200;
a = 6378137; % Semi-major axis of WGS84 ellipsoid
b = 6356752.3142; % Semi-minor axis of WGS84 ellipsoid
[lat, lon, alt] = xyz2blh(x, y, z, a, b);