width = panBand.RasterXSize AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'RasterXSize'

时间: 2024-01-08 15:03:39 浏览: 32
根据提供的引用内容,出现错误`AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'RasterXSize'`是因为`panBand`对象是`NoneType`,而`NoneType`对象没有`RasterXSize`属性。 为了解决这个问题,你需要确保`panBand`对象被正确地初始化和赋值。请检查以下几个方面: 1. 确保你已经正确导入了GDAL包,并且已经正确地打开了栅格数据集。 2. 确保你已经正确地获取了波段对象`panBand`,并且它不是`None`。 3. 确保你已经正确地读取了栅格数据集的宽度属性`RasterXSize`。 以下是一个示例代码,演示了如何使用GDAL包获取栅格数据集的宽度属性: ```python from osgeo import gdal # 打开栅格数据集 dataset = gdal.Open('path/to/your/raster.tif') # 获取波段对象 panBand = dataset.GetRasterBand(1) # 检查波段对象是否为None if panBand is not None: # 获取栅格数据集的宽度属性 width = panBand.RasterXSize print("Width of the raster dataset: ", width) else: print("Error: Failed to get the band object.") # 关闭栅格数据集 dataset = None ``` 请注意,你需要将`'path/to/your/raster.tif'`替换为你实际的栅格数据集路径。


def DSM_grid_sorting_masking_check(DSM,grid_size,threshold_angle): ''' 进行基于DSM格网排序的遮蔽检测方法 :param DSM: 输入的数字高程模型 :param grid_size: 格网大小 :param threshold_angle: 实现遮蔽的最大角度 :return: 遮蔽检测结果。True表示不遮蔽,False表示遮蔽 ''' width = DSM.RasterXSize height = DSM.RasterYSize #计算网格数量 grid_num_y =int(np.ceil(height/grid_size)) grid_num_x =int(np.ceil(width/grid_size)) #初始化遮蔽检测结果矩阵 result = np.ones((grid_num_y,grid_num_x),dtype=bool) #计算每个格网进行遮蔽检测 for i in range(grid_num_y): for j in range(grid_num_x): #当前格网内的点坐标 y_min = i*grid_size y_max = min((i+1)*grid_size,height) x_min = j * grid_size x_max = min((j+1)*grid_size,width) coords = np.argwhere(DSM.ReadAsArray(x_min, y_min, x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min) > 0) coords[:, 0] += y_min coords[:, 1] += x_min # 构建KD树 tree = cKDTree(coords) # 查询每个点的最邻近点 k = 2 dist, ind = tree.query(coords, k=k) # 计算每个点的法向量 normals = np.zeros(coords.shape) for l in range(coords.shape[0]): if k == 2: p1 = coords[l, :] p2 = coords[ind[l, 1], :] else: p1 = coords[l, :] p2 = coords[ind[l, 1], :] normals[l, :] = np.cross(p1 - p2, p1 - DSM.ReadAsArray(p1[1], p1[0], 1, 1)) # 计算每个点的可见性 visibilities = np.zeros(coords.shape[0]) for l in range(coords.shape[0]): if k == 2: p1 = coords[l, :] p2 = coords[ind[l, 1], :] else: p1 = coords[l, :] p2 = coords[ind[l, 1], :] angle = np.cross(np.dot(normals[l, :], (p2 - p1) / dist[l, 1])) * 180 / np.pi if angle <= threshold_angle: visibilities[l] = 1 # 判断当前格网是否遮蔽 if np.sum(visibilities) == 0: result[i, j] = False else: result[i, j] = True return result dsm_path = 'C:/yingxiang/output.tif' DSM = gdal.Open(dsm_path) result = DSM_grid_sorting_masking_check(DSM,grid_size=10,threshold_angle=10) print(result.shape)这段代码怎么改可以输出每个点是否被遮蔽

class SpiralIterator: def init(self, source, x=810, y=500, length=None): self.source = source self.row = np.shape(self.source)[0]#第一个元素是行数 self.col = np.shape(self.source)[1]#第二个元素是列数 if length: self.length = min(length, np.size(self.source)) else: self.length = np.size(self.source) if x: self.x = x else: self.x = self.row // 2 if y: self.y = y else: self.y = self.col // 2 self.i = self.x self.j = self.y self.iteSize = 0 geo_transform = dsm_data.GetGeoTransform() self.x_origin = geo_transform[0] self.y_origin = geo_transform[3] self.pixel_width = geo_transform[1] self.pixel_height = geo_transform[5] def hasNext(self): return self.iteSize < self.length # 不能取更多值了 def get(self): if self.hasNext(): # 还能再取一个值 # 先记录当前坐标的值 —— 准备返回 i = self.i j = self.j val = self.source[i][j] # 计算下一个值的坐标 relI = self.i - self.x # 相对坐标 relJ = self.j - self.y # 相对坐标 if relJ > 0 and abs(relI) < relJ: self.i -= 1 # 上 elif relI < 0 and relJ > relI: self.j -= 1 # 左 elif relJ < 0 and abs(relJ) > relI: self.i += 1 # 下 elif relI >= 0 and relI >= relJ: self.j += 1 # 右 #判断索引是否在矩阵内 x = self.x_origin + (j + 0.5) * self.pixel_width y = self.y_origin + (i + 0.5) * self.pixel_height z = val self.iteSize += 1 return x, y, z dsm_path = 'C:\sanwei\jianmo\Productions\Production_2\Production_2_DSM_part_2_2.tif' dsm_data = gdal.Open(dsm_path) dsm_array = dsm_data.ReadAsArray() spiral_iterator = SpiralIterator(dsm_array,x=810,y=500) while spiral_iterator.hasNext(): x, y, z = spiral_iterator.get() print(f'Value at ({x},{y}):{z}')这段代码怎么改可以用共线方程将地面点(X,Y,Z)反算其在原始航片中的像素值行列号( r,c),当原始航片该位置像素值为 0 值,修改其像素值为 255,当原始航片该( r,c) 位置像素值为 255 时,说明此点已被占用,则对地面点(X,Y,Z)标记此点位被遮蔽

import os import numpy as np from osgeo import gdal input_folder = 'G:/xianlinhotel/xlh632envi' output_folder = "G:/xianlinhotel/xlh_nir_rg_632envicai" target_width = 1230 target_height = 910 for filename in os.listdir(input_folder): if filename.endswith(".tif"): tif_path = os.path.join(input_folder, filename) tif_dataset = gdal.Open(tif_path) if tif_dataset is not None and tif_dataset.RasterXSize == 1280 and tif_dataset.RasterYSize == 960: data = tif_dataset.ReadAsArray() x_offset = (tif_dataset.RasterXSize - target_width) // 2 y_offset = (tif_dataset.RasterYSize - target_height) // 2 new_data = data[:, y_offset:y_offset+target_height, x_offset:x_offset+target_width] output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, filename) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") new_dataset = driver.Create(output_path, target_width, target_height, tif_dataset.RasterCount, tif_dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType) geotransform = tif_dataset.GetGeoTransform() new_geotransform = (geotransform[0] + x_offset * geotransform[1], geotransform[1], geotransform[2], geotransform[3] + y_offset * geotransform[5], geotransform[4], geotransform[5]) new_dataset.SetGeoTransform(new_geotransform) new_dataset.SetProjection(tif_dataset.GetProjection()) for i in range(1, tif_dataset.RasterCount + 1): new_dataset.GetRasterBand(i).WriteArray(new_data[i - 1]) new_dataset = None # 关闭数据集以保存文件和释放资源 print(f"Saved {filename} to {output_path}") else: print(f"{filename} has invalid size or is not a TIFF file.") tif_dataset = None # 关闭数据集以释放资源 详细解释

def DSM_grid_sorting_masking_check(DSM,grid_size,threshold_angle): width = DSM.RasterXSize height = DSM.RasterYSize #计算网格数量 grid_num_y =int(np.ceil(height/grid_size)) grid_num_x =int(np.ceil(width/grid_size)) #初始化遮蔽检测结果矩阵 result = np.ones((grid_num_y,grid_num_x),dtype=bool) #计算每个格网进行遮蔽检测 for i in range(grid_num_y): for j in range(grid_num_x): #当前格网内的点坐标 y_min = i*grid_size y_max = min((i+1)*grid_size,height) x_min = j * grid_size x_max = min((j+1)*grid_size,width) coords = np.argwhere(DSM.ReadAsArray(x_min, y_min, x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min) > 0) coords[:, 0] += y_min coords[:, 1] += x_min # 构建KD树 tree = cKDTree(coords) # 查询每个点的最邻近点 k = 2 dist, ind = tree.query(coords, k=k) # 计算每个点的法向量 normals = np.zeros(coords.shape) for l in range(coords.shape[0]): if k == 2: p1 = coords[l, :] p2 = coords[ind[l, 1], :] else: p1 = coords[l, :] p2 = coords[ind[l, 1], :] normals[l, :] = np.cross(p1 - p2, p1 - DSM.ReadAsArray(p1[1], p1[0], 1, 1)) # 计算每个点的可见性 visibilities = np.zeros(coords.shape[0]) for l in range(coords.shape[0]): if k == 2: p1 = coords[l, :] p2 = coords[ind[l, 1], :] else: p1 = coords[l, :] p2 = coords[ind[l, 1], :] angle = np.cross(np.dot(normals[l, :], (p2 - p1) / dist[l, 1])) * 180 / np.pi if angle <= threshold_angle: visibilities[l] = 1 # 判断当前格网是否遮蔽 if np.sum(visibilities) == 0: result[i, j] = False else: result[i, j] = True return result dsm_path = 'C:/yingxiang/output.tif' DSM = gdal.Open(dsm_path) result = DSM_grid_sorting_masking_check(DSM,grid_size=10,threshold_angle=40) print(result)这段代码怎么改可以没有以下错误in method 'BandRasterIONumPy', argument 3 of type 'double'





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