时间: 2024-02-11 16:09:45 浏览: 88
约瑟夫环问题是一道经典的数学问题,题目为:已知 n 个人(以编号 1,2,3 … n 分别表示)围成一圈,从第 k 个人开始报数,数到 m 的那个人出列,它的下一位又从 1 开始报数,数到 m 的那个人又出列,依次类推,直到所有人出列为止,由此产生一个出队编号的序列。
以下是使用 C 语言实现约瑟夫环问题的代码:
#include <stdio.h>
int josephus(int n, int k, int m) {
int i, s = 0;
for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
s = (s + k) % i;
s = (s + m) % n;
return s + 1;
int main() {
int n, k, m;
printf("请输入 n, k, m 的值:");
scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &k, &m);
printf("最后留下的人的编号是:%d\n", josephus(n, k, m));
return 0;
函数 `josephus` 的参数分别为 n,k,m,表示有 n 个人,从第 k 个人开始报数,数到 m 的那个人出列。函数的返回值为最后留下的人的编号。
在函数中,首先初始化变量 s 为 0,然后循环 n-1 次,每次计算出下一个出列的人的编号。具体来说,第 i 次循环时,假设前 i-1 个人已经出列,当前还剩下 n-i+1 个人,而上一次出列的人是编号为 s 的人,那么本次出列的人的编号为 (s+k) % i,其中 "%" 表示取模运算。最后剩下的那个人就是最后留下的人,其编号为 (s+m) % n。
在 `main` 函数中,从标准输入读入 n,k,m 的值,然后调用 `josephus` 函数计算最后留下的人的编号,并输出结果。
The Josephus problem is a classic mathematical problem. Given n people (represented by the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., n) in a circle, starting from the kth person, count m people clockwise and remove the mth person. The next person starts counting from 1 again, and the process repeats until all people are removed, resulting in a sequence of removed numbers.
The following is a C program to implement the Josephus problem:
The function `josephus` takes three parameters n, k, and m, representing the number of people, the starting point, and the count for removal, respectively. The function returns the number of the last person remaining.
In the function, the variable s is initialized to 0, and the loop runs n-1 times, calculating the number of the next person to be removed each time. Specifically, in the i-th iteration, assuming the previous i-1 people have been removed, there are still n-i+1 people left, and the last removed person has the number s. The number of the current person to be removed is (s+k) % i, where "%" denotes the modulo operation. The last person remaining is the one with the number (s+m) % n.
In the `main` function, the values of n, k, and m are read from standard input, and the `josephus` function is called to calculate the number of the last person remaining. The result is then output.