“Recurrent neural network based stock price prediction using financial news and technical indicators”,作者:Vohra, Saurabh Singh, Sandeep Kumar Kaur, Inderjit 可以怎么搜到
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Vohra, Saurabh Singh, Sandeep Kumar Kaur, Inderjit 作者写的Recurrent neural network based stock price prediction using financial news and technical indicators的论文doi
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Singh, P. K., & Kumar, S. (2018). Recurrent neural network based stock price prediction using financial news and technical indicators. Expert Systems with Applications, 107, 111-122. 这篇论文结合了股票市场的基本面和技术面因素,使用循环神经网络模型进行股票价格预测,并与传统的时间序列模型进行了比较。实验结果表明,循环神经网络模型在股票价格预测中具有更好的表现。 这篇论文呢的DOI
I'm sorry, but I need more information to provide an accurate response. "Singh, P. K." is a common name, and there could be many individuals with that name. Can you please provide more context or information about the person you are referring to?