makefile tool
时间: 2024-09-13 12:02:01 浏览: 87
- 目标:通常是编译生成的文件名,如可执行文件或中间文件。
- 依赖:目标所依赖的文件列表。
- 命令:用于创建或更新目标的shell命令。
target: dependencies
编写 Makefile 文件是为了告诉 make 工具如何编译和链接源文件。下面是一个简单的 Makefile 文件示例:
# 定义变量
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -g
# 定义目标文件
TARGET = main
# 定义源文件
SRCS = tool.c main.c
# 定义对象文件
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
# 默认目标
all: $(TARGET)
# 生成目标文件
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
# 生成对象文件
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
# 清理生成的文件
rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGET)
上述 Makefile 文件中,首先定义了变量 `CC` 和 `CFLAGS`,分别表示编译器和编译选项。然后定义了目标文件 `TARGET` 和源文件 `SRCS`。接着定义了对象文件 `OBJS`,通过将源文件的后缀名 `.c` 替换为 `.o` 来生成。然后定义了默认目标 `all`,依赖于目标文件和对象文件,通过编译器将对象文件链接成可执行文件。最后定义了生成对象文件的规则和清理生成的文件的规则。
makefile filter
As an AI language model, I don't have access to your local machine to create a makefile filter. But, I can provide you with some information about how to use filters in makefiles.
Makefile filters are used to manipulate text strings in makefiles. Filters can be used to modify variable values, file names, or any other text strings in a makefile.
Here are some examples of filters in makefiles:
1. $(filter pattern, text)
This filter selects all words in the text that match the pattern. For example, $(filter %.c, foo.c bar.o baz.c) will return foo.c baz.c.
2. $(wildcard pattern)
This filter expands the pattern to a list of file names that match the pattern. For example, $(wildcard *.c) will return a list of all the .c files in the current directory.
3. $(patsubst pattern, replacement, text)
This filter replaces all occurrences of the pattern in the text with the replacement. For example, $(patsubst %.c, %.o, foo.c bar.c) will return foo.o bar.o.
4. $(subst from, to, text)
This filter replaces all occurrences of from in the text with to. For example, $(subst x, y, axbxc) will return aybyc.
These are just a few examples of filters in makefiles. There are many other filters available, and you can even create your own custom filters. Filters can be a powerful tool for manipulating text in makefiles, and they can help make your build process more efficient and flexible.