时间: 2023-03-27 12:01:57 浏览: 220
好的,这个问题可以回答。对于一个复数 c=a+bi,其中 a 和 b 分别为实部和虚部,我们可以使用以下代码来分离出实部和虚部:
double real_part = creal(c);
double imaginary_part = cimag(c);
其中 creal 函数返回复数的实部,cimag 函数返回复数的虚部。
C++设计一个可进行复数运算的演示程序。 实现下列六种基本运算: (1)由输入的实部和虚部生成一个复数; (2)两个复数求和; (3)两个复数求差; (4)两个复数求积; (5)从已知复数中分离出实部; (6)从已知复数中分离出虚部。运算结果以相应的复数或实数的表示形式显示。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// 定义复数结构体
struct Complex {
double real; // 实部
double imag; // 虚部
// 构造函数,用于初始化复数
Complex(double r = 0, double i = 0) : real(r), imag(i) {}
// 运算符重载
Complex operator+(const Complex& other) const {
return {real + other.real, imag + other.imag};
Complex operator-(const Complex& other) const {
return {real - other.real, imag - other.imag};
Complex operator*(const Complex& other) const {
double newReal = real * other.real - imag * other.imag;
double newImag = real * other.imag + imag * other.real;
return {newReal, newImag};
Complex conjugate() const {
return {real, -imag}; // 求共轭
void display() const {
cout << real << " + " << imag << "i" << endl;
int main() {
// (1) 输入复数
Complex c1, c2;
cout << "Enter the real and imaginary parts of complex number 1: ";
cin >> c1.real >> c1.imag;
cout << "Enter the real and imaginary parts of complex number 2: ";
cin >> c2.real >> c2.imag;
// (2) 加法
Complex sum = c1 + c2;
cout << "Sum: ";
// (3) 减法
Complex diff = c1 - c2;
cout << "Difference: ";
// (4) 积
Complex prod = c1 * c2;
cout << "Product: ";
// (5) 分离实部
cout << "Real part of first complex number: " << c1.real << endl;
// (6) 分离虚部
cout << "Imaginary part of second complex number: " << c2.imag << endl;
return 0;
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
int main()
Mat img = imread("lena.jpg", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
Mat noise(img.size(), CV_32F);
randn(noise, 0, 32); // 添加高斯噪声
Mat noisyImg;
img.convertTo(noisyImg, CV_32F);
noisyImg += noise; // 添加噪声
Mat planes[] = {Mat_<float>(noisyImg), Mat::zeros(noisyImg.size(), CV_32F)};
Mat complexImg;
merge(planes, 2, complexImg); // 构造复数图像
dft(complexImg, complexImg); // 傅里叶变换
Mat mag, phase;
split(complexImg, planes); // 分离实部和虚部
magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], mag); // 计算幅值
phase = Mat(planes[1].size(), CV_32F);
phase = atan2(planes[1], planes[0]); // 计算相位
Mat filteredMag;
GaussianBlur(mag, filteredMag, Size(5, 5), 0); // 高斯滤波
Mat planes2[] = {filteredMag.mul(cos(phase)), filteredMag.mul(sin(phase))};
Mat complexImg2;
merge(planes2, 2, complexImg2); // 构造复数图像
idft(complexImg2, complexImg2); // 傅里叶反变换
Mat planes3[] = {Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_32F), Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_32F)};
split(complexImg2, planes3); // 分离实部和虚部
Mat restoredImg;
magnitude(planes3[0], planes3[1], restoredImg); // 计算幅值
normalize(restoredImg, restoredImg, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8U); // 归一化
imshow("Original Image", img);
imshow("Noisy Image", noisyImg);
imshow("Restored Image", restoredImg);
return 0;