vivado timescale
时间: 2023-11-12 11:07:13 浏览: 305
在 Vivado 中,timescale 是用来定义时序相关的时间单位和精度的。它可以在设计文件的顶部或者模块的局部范围内进行设置。timescale 由两个部分组成:timeunit 和 timeprecision。
timeunit 定义了时间单位,可以是以下几种:
- `1fs`:飞秒
- `1ps`:皮秒
- `1ns`:纳秒
- `1us`:微秒
- `1ms`:毫秒
- `1s`:秒
timeprecision 定义了时间的精度,可以是以下几种:
- `1fs`:飞秒
- `10fs`:十飞秒
- `100fs`:百飞秒
- `1ps`:皮秒
- `10ps`:十皮秒
- `100ps`:百皮秒
- `1ns`:纳秒
- `10ns`:十纳秒
- `100ns`:百纳秒
- `1us`:微秒
- `10us`:十微秒
- `100us`:百微秒
- `1ms`:毫秒
通过设置 timescale,可以确保在仿真和综合过程中使用一致的时间单位和精度,以确保时序分析的准确性。
vivado current time 0fs
Vivado is a software tool developed by Xilinx for designing and synthesizing FPGA and SoC designs. When you create a new project in Vivado, the default time scale is in picoseconds (ps) and the current time is set to 0 ps. This means that the tool assumes that the current time is at the start of the simulation or synthesis process. You can change the time scale and current time settings in the Vivado settings or properties panel.
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module selecter_5_1_tb();
reg [7:0]in0;
reg [7:0]in1;
reg [7:0]in2;
reg [7:0]in3;
reg [7:0]in4;
reg [2:0]sel0;
wire [7:0]out0;
selecter_5_1 selecter_5_10(.in0(in0), .in1(in1), .in2(in2), .in3(in3), .in4(in4), .sel(sel0), .out(out0));
initial begin
in0 = 0;
in1 = 0;
in2 = 0;
in3 = 0;
in4 = 0;
sel0 = 3'b000;
in0 = 1;
sel0 = 3'b001;
in0 = 0;
in1 = 1;
sel0 = 3'b010;
in1 = 0;
in2 = 1;
sel0 = 3'b011;
in2 = 0;
in3 = 1;
sel0 = 3'b100;
in3 = 0;
in4 = 1;