model: sets: length/1..14/:l; price/1..7/:p,s; links(price,length):r,W; endsets data: W=9417.20000000000 30190.3000000000 92062.5000000000 36572.1000000000 5868.50000000000 2747 2653.20000000000 37570 42360 24615 19151 18175.5000000000 47145 60575 14617.2000000000 45240.3000000000 129562.500000000 82628.1000000000 20418.5000000000 19741.5000000000 16341.3000000000 71570 66360 39615 30151 28675.5000000000 68145 85575 15657.2000000000 48250.3000000000 137062.500000000 88688.1000000000 22358.5000000000 21791.5000000000 19356.3000000000 55930 34680 21615 15851 15025.5000000000 42945 55575 16697.2000000000 51260.3000000000 144562.500000000 94748.1000000000 24298.5000000000 23841.5000000000 21366.3000000000 66810 41304 19815 13651 12925.5000000000 38745 49025 16177.2000000000 49755.3000000000 140812.500000000 91718.1000000000 22358.5000000000 22222 19356.3000000000 60010 37560 14415 9691 11665.5000000000 34545 45575 16083.6000000000 49484.4000000000 140137.500000000 88688.1000000000 22358.5000000000 21791.5000000000 19356.3000000000 60010 37560 17145 9691 7717.50000000000 9303 13075 17633.2000000000 52765.3000000000 148312.500000000 97778.1000000000 25268.5000000000 24866.5000000000 22371.3000000000 70210 43704 22515 13651 10237.5000000000 19761 13525; l=104 301 750 606 194 205 201 680 480 300 220 210 420 500; p=160 155 155 160 155 150 160; s=800 800 1000 2000 2000 2000 3000; enddata min=@sum(links:r(i,j)*(l(j)*p(i)+W(i,j))); @for(links:@bin(r(i,j))); @for(price(i):@sum(length(j):r(i,j))==1); @for(length(j):@sum(price(i):r(i,j)*l(j))>=500); @for(length(j):@sum(price(i):r(i,j)*l(j))<=s(i)); 这是代码
时间: 2024-04-15 11:26:22 浏览: 27
thymeleaf: cache: false prefix: classpath:/templates/ suffix: .html
- `cache: false` 表示关闭Thymeleaf的缓存机制,方便开发调试。
- `prefix: classpath:/templates/` 表示Thymeleaf会在classpath路径下的`/templates/`目录中查找模板文件。
- `suffix: .html` 表示Thymeleaf会将所有后缀为`.html`的文件视为模板文件。
public String hello(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("name", "Thymeleaf");
return "hello"; // 实际渲染的模板文件为classpath:/templates/hello.html
sets: factory /1..6/: a,b; plant /1..3/: x,y; endsets
Sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot provide context on what kind of sets you need. Can you please provide more information so that I can assist you better?