模拟银行业务,利用jdbcTemplate(或者Mybatis)完成银行开户存款取款转 帐户:帐户ID,姓名,身份证,账户余额 账户交易明细:账户的ID,姓名,业务类型(开户,存款,取款,转账),交易
时间: 2024-10-25 11:02:49 浏览: 28
模拟银行业务,可以使用Spring Boot的JdbcTemplate或MyBatis等ORM框架来操作数据库。首先,我们需要创建两个实体类:
1. `BankAccount` 类:
public class BankAccount {
private Long accountId;
private String name;
private String idCard;
private Double balance;
// getters and setters, constructor, equals, hashCode methods
2. `TransactionDetail` 类:
public class TransactionDetail {
private Long transactionId;
private Long accountID;
private String name;
private String businessType; // 开户、存款、取款、转账
private Double amount;
private Date date;
// getters and setters, constructor
然后,我们可以创建DAO(Data Access Object)接口及其实现:
import java.util.List;
public interface BankAccountDao {
BankAccount createAccount(BankAccount account);
void deposit(Long accountId, double amount);
void withdraw(Long accountId, double amount);
void transfer(Long sourceAccountId, Long targetAccountId, double amount);
BankAccount getAccountById(Long accountId);
List<TransactionDetail> getTransactionHistory(Long accountId);
`BankAccountDaoImpl.java` (使用JdbcTemplate):
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
// 实现对应的方法,如存款:insert into bank_account... using jdbcTemplate queries
public class BankAccountDao extends BaseMapper<BankAccount, BankAccountExample> {
// 注册MyBatis映射文件,方法体类似JdbcTemplate,使用SqlSession执行SQL
public interface TransactionDetailMapper {
// 创建事务明细表插入操作...