if (this.searchValue && !this.selectedNodes.includes(this.searchValue)) { this.selectedNodes.push(this.searchValue); }
时间: 2024-05-19 21:11:13 浏览: 89
== "") {
console.log("Search value is empty.");
} else {
console.log("Search value is not empty.");
This code checks if the searchValue variable is empty or not. If it is empty, it will log "Search value is empty." to the console. If it is not empty, it will log "Search value is not empty." to the console.
if (this.searchValue && !this.selectedNodes.includes(this.searchValue))
== "") {
console.log("Please enter a search value.");
} else {
// continue with search logic
This code checks if the searchValue variable is an empty string. If it is, it logs a message asking the user to enter a search value. If it is not empty, it continues with the search logic.
解释一下这段代码treeDataPineVal(ThreeData, type) { const dataTemp = !_.isEmpty(ThreeData) ? [{ title: intl.get("common.全选"), value: "", children: [] }] : []; dataTemp.length && ThreeData.forEach((item, index) => { dataTemp[0].children.push({ title: item.desc ? (type ? item.code + " " + item.desc : item.desc) : item.domValDesc, value: item.code || item.domVal, pinyin: item.code || item.id, }); }); return dataTemp; } queryMultipleSelection(data, type) { let statusArr = []; if (this.props.historyData && this.props.historyData.form == "OrderBoard") { statusArr = this.props.historyData.queryContent.Reserve_Inventory_Status; } else { } const treeData = [...data]; const tProps = { treeData, value: this.state[type], defaultValue: this.state[type + "Availabled"] || [], onChange: "", maxTagCount: 1, treeCheckable: true, getPopupContainer: (triggerNode) => triggerNode.parentNode.parentNode, filterTreeNode: (inputValue, treeNode) => { if (treeNode && inputValue) { return treeNode.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) >= 0; } return false; }, treeDefaultExpandAll: true, showCheckedStrategy: SHOW_PARENT, placeholder: intl.get("common.请选择"), size: "middle", className: "common-tree-select", }; // tProps.searchValue = ''; tProps.onChange = (value, label, extra) => { this.setState({ [type]: value }); }; return <TreeSelect {...tProps} />; }