array must be initialized with a brace-enclosed initializer char *a[100]="ID=1689309873, 刻录时间=2023-07-14 12:44:34, 刻录机型号=TSSTcorp-CDDVDW-SE-218CB-R95M6YMDA00008, 光盘属性=DVD+R, 刻录状态=成功, 计算机帐户=hba, 文件名称=/home/hba/Desktop/刻录测试文件.txt, 文件大小=66 B, 文件类型=文档";
时间: 2024-04-15 12:29:51 浏览: 110
这个错误是因为你在定义 char* 类型的数组时使用了一个字符串字面值来初始化,但是这种方式只适用于 char 类型的数组,而不适用于 char* 类型的数组。要解决这个问题,你可以将数组定义为字符数组而不是字符指针数组,并使用大括号包围的初始化器来初始化数组中的元素。例如,你可以将代码修改为以下形式:
char a[100] = "ID=1689309873, 刻录时间=2023-07-14 12:44:34, 刻录机型号=TSSTcorp-CDDVDW-SE-218CB-R95M6YMDA00008, 光盘属性=DVD+R, 刻录状态=成功, 计算机帐户=hba, 文件名称=/home/hba/Desktop/刻录测试文件.txt, 文件大小=66 B, 文件类型=文档";
error: array must be initialized with a brace-enclosed initializer char b[100]=cheng;
The error message suggests that you are trying to initialize a character array named "b" with the variable "cheng". However, in C++, a character array must be initialized with a brace-enclosed initializer, which means that the elements of the array should be enclosed in curly braces.
To fix the error, you could modify the initialization of "b" as follows:
char b[100] = {'c', 'h', 'e', 'n', 'g'};
This initializes the array "b" with the characters 'c', 'h', 'e', 'n', 'g' and pads the remaining elements with null characters. Alternatively, if you want to initialize "b" with a string, you could use double quotes to create a string literal:
char b[100] = "cheng";
This initializes the array "b" with the string "cheng" and pads the remaining elements with null characters.
/home/vrv/src/EDSMClient-XC_svn/MainUI3/switch.cpp:117: 错误: array must be initialized with a brace-enclosed initializer char orgName[64] = UserMember.szOrgName; ^
char orgName[64] = {0}; // 使用花括号进行初始化,并将每个元素初始化为0
strcpy(orgName, UserMember.szOrgName); // 将字符串赋值给数组
这样就可以将 UserMember.szOrgName 的值复制到 orgName 数组中。请注意,使用 strcpy() 函数将字符串复制到字符数组时,确保目标数组有足够的空间来存储完整的字符串,以避免缓冲区溢出。