时间: 2023-10-20 22:07:12 浏览: 127
好的,以下是一个简单的MATLAB OFDM系统代码示例:
% OFDM parameters
N = 64; % number of subcarriers
cp_len = 16; % length of cyclic prefix
Fs = 100e3; % sampling rate
Ts = 1/Fs; % sampling period
T = N*Ts; % OFDM symbol duration
Fc = 2e6; % carrier frequency
Fd = 1e3; % maximum Doppler frequency shift
snr_db = 20; % signal-to-noise ratio in dB
% Generate random data
data = randi([0 1], N, 1);
% Modulation
mod_data = qammod(data, 16); % 16-QAM modulation
% Serial to parallel conversion
x = reshape(mod_data, [], N/2);
ifft_out = ifft(x, [], 2);
% Add cyclic prefix
tx_data = [ifft_out(:,(end-cp_len+1):end) ifft_out];
% Convert to time domain
tx_time = reshape(tx_data.', [], 1);
% Add carrier frequency and channel effects
t = (0:length(tx_time)-1)*Ts;
carrier = exp(1j*2*pi*Fc*t).';
channel = rayleighchan(Ts, Fd);
channel.StoreHistory = true;
rx_time = filter(channel, carrier.*tx_time);
% Convert to frequency domain
rx_data = reshape(rx_time, N+cp_len, []).';
rx_data = rx_data(:,(cp_len+1):end);
rx_data_fft = fft(rx_data, [], 2);
% Parallel to serial conversion
rx_mod_data = reshape(rx_data_fft.', [], 1);
% Demodulation
demod_data = qamdemod(rx_mod_data, 16);
% BER calculation
[num_errors, ber] = biterr(data, demod_data);
fprintf('BER = %f\n', ber);