Broader Applicability to Other Contexts啥意思
时间: 2024-04-03 20:31:11 浏览: 125
"Broader Applicability to Other Contexts" 的意思是指某个事物、方法或技术可以适用于更广泛的场景和情境,而不仅仅局限于某个特定领域或情况。例如,某个算法被开发出来可以适用于不同类型的数据集,或者某个产品设计可以适用于不同类型的用户群体。这种广泛适用性可以使事物更有价值,并且具有更多的应用前景。
Broader Applicability to Other Contexts啥意思
"Broader applicability to other contexts" means that a particular solution or technology can be used in a wider range of situations or environments beyond its original intended use. It suggests that the solution or technology has the potential to be adapted to various contexts and can be useful in different scenarios. It is a desirable quality for a technology or solution as it can increase its versatility and usefulness.
We consider a persuasion problem between a sender and a receiver where utility may be nonlinear in the latter’s belief; we call such receivers risk conscious. Such utility models arise when the receiver exhibits systematic biases away from expected utility maximization, such as uncertainty aversion (e.g., from sensitivity to the variance of the waiting time for a service). Because of this nonlinearity, the standard approach to finding the optimal persuasion mechanism using revelation principle fails. To overcome this difficulty, we use the underlying geometry of the problem to develop a convex optimization framework to find the optimal persuasion mechanism. We define the notion of full persuasion and use our framework to characterize conditions under which full persuasion can be achieved. We use our approach to study binary persuasion, where the receiver has two actions and the sender strictly prefers one of them at every state. Under a convexity assumption, we show that the binary persuasion problem reduces to a linear program and establish a canonical set of signals where each signal either reveals the state or induces in the receiver uncertainty between two states. Finally, we discuss the broader applicability of our methods to more general contexts, and we illustrate our methodology by studying information sharing of waiting times in service systems翻译一下