请解释下这行代码FaceTracker::FaceTracker(const Options& options) : options_(options) {}
时间: 2024-04-23 17:24:09 浏览: 62
这行代码是一个构造函数,属于名为FaceTracker的类。在这个构造函数中,类的成员变量options_ 被初始化为传入的参数options。其中,Options是一个自定义的结构体类型,而options_是一个该类型的变量。
请详细解释下这段代码void FaceTracker::OnOptionsUpdated(const base::Value& json_values) { LoadIfExist(json_values, kFacePhaseInThresholdMs, &options_.face_phase_in_threshold_ms); LoadIfExist(json_values, kFacePhaseOutThresholdMs, &options_.face_phase_out_threshold_ms); LoadIfExist(json_values, kPanAngleRange, &options_.pan_angle_range); VLOGF(1) << "FaceTracker options:" << " face_phase_in_threshold_ms" << options_.face_phase_in_threshold_ms << " face_phase_out_threshold_ms=" << options_.face_phase_out_threshold_ms << " pan_angle_range=" << options_.pan_angle_range; }
这段代码是实现了一个人脸追踪器的参数更新函数,输入参数是一个json_values对象,包含了更新的参数信息。函数中通过调用LoadIfExist函数,将json_values对象中的三个参数 face_phase_in_threshold_ms、face_phase_out_threshold_ms、pan_angle_range 加载到 FaceTracker 类的 options_ 成员变量中。其中 face_phase_in_threshold_ms 是人脸进入追踪状态的时间阈值,face_phase_out_threshold_ms 是人脸离开追踪状态的时间阈值,pan_angle_range 是人脸注视相机的夹角范围。最后,该函数会输出调试信息,将更新后的参数值打印出来。这段代码实现了人脸追踪器的参数更新功能,可以通过更新参数来优化人脸追踪的效果。
请详细解释下这段代码void FaceTracker::OnNewFaceData( const std::vector<human_sensing::CrosFace>& faces) { // Given |f1| and |f2| from two different (usually consecutive) frames, treat // the two rectangles as the same face if their position delta is less than // kFaceDistanceThresholdSquare. // // This is just a heuristic and is not accurate in some corner cases, but we // don't have face tracking. auto is_same_face = [&](const Rect<float>& f1, const Rect<float>& f2) -> bool { const float center_f1_x = f1.left + f1.width / 2; const float center_f1_y = f1.top + f1.height / 2; const float center_f2_x = f2.left + f2.width / 2; const float center_f2_y = f2.top + f2.height / 2; constexpr float kFaceDistanceThresholdSquare = 0.1 * 0.1; const float dist_square = std::pow(center_f1_x - center_f2_x, 2.0f) + std::pow(center_f1_y - center_f2_y, 2.0f); return dist_square < kFaceDistanceThresholdSquare; }; for (const auto& f : faces) { FaceState s = { .normalized_bounding_box = Rect<float>( f.bounding_box.x1 / options_.active_array_dimension.width, f.bounding_box.y1 / options_.active_array_dimension.height, (f.bounding_box.x2 - f.bounding_box.x1) / options_.active_array_dimension.width, (f.bounding_box.y2 - f.bounding_box.y1) / options_.active_array_dimension.height), .last_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Now(), .has_attention = std::fabs(f.pan_angle) < options_.pan_angle_range}; bool found_matching_face = false; for (auto& known_face : faces_) { if (is_same_face(s.normalized_bounding_box, known_face.normalized_bounding_box)) { found_matching_face = true; if (!s.has_attention) { // If the face isn't looking at the camera, reset the timer. s.first_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Max(); } else if (!known_face.has_attention && s.has_attention) { // If the face starts looking at the camera, start the timer. s.first_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Now(); } else { s.first_detected_ticks = known_face.first_detected_ticks; } known_face = s; break; } } if (!found_matching_face) { s.first_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Now(); faces_.push_back(s); } } // Flush expired face states. for (auto it = faces_.begin(); it != faces_.end();) { if (ElapsedTimeMs(it->last_detected_ticks) > options_.face_phase_out_threshold_ms) { it = faces_.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } }