请解释下这段代码namespace cros { // FaceTracker takes a set of face data produced by FaceDetector as input, // filters the input, and produces the bounding rectangle that encloses the // filtered input. class FaceTracker { public: struct Options { // The dimension of the active sensory array in pixels. Used for normalizing // the input face coordinates. Size active_array_dimension; // The dimension of the active stream that will be cropped. Used for // translating the ROI coordinates in the active array space. Size active_stream_dimension; // The threshold in ms for including a newly detected face for tracking. int face_phase_in_threshold_ms = 3000; // The threshold in ms for excluding a face that's no longer detected for // tracking. int face_phase_out_threshold_ms = 2000; // The angle range [|pan_angle_range|, -|pan_angle_range|] in degrees used // to determine if a face is looking at the camera. float pan_angle_range = 30.0f; }; explicit FaceTracker(const Options& options); ~FaceTracker() = default; FaceTracker(FaceTracker& other) = delete; FaceTracker& operator=(FaceTracker& other) = delete; // Callback for when new face data are ready. void OnNewFaceData(const std::vector<human_sensing::CrosFace>& faces); // The all the rectangles of all the detected faces. std::vector<Rect<float>> GetActiveFaceRectangles() const; // Gets the rectangle than encloses all the detected faces. Returns a // normalized rectangle in [0.0, 1.0] x [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the active // stream dimension. Rect<float> GetActiveBoundingRectangleOnActiveStream() const; void OnOptionsUpdated(const base::Value& json_values); private: struct FaceState { Rect<float> normalized_bounding_box = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; base::TimeTicks first_detected_ticks; base::TimeTicks last_detected_ticks; bool has_attention = false; }; Options options_; std::vector<FaceState> faces_; }; } // namespace cros

时间: 2024-04-26 14:21:40 浏览: 12
这段代码定义了一个名为 "FaceTracker" 的类,用于对人脸数据进行过滤并生成边界框。该类具有一个嵌套的 "Options" 结构体,用于存储一些选项参数,例如输入坐标的维度、阈值等。类中还定义了一些函数,例如 "OnNewFaceData" 用于处理新的人脸数据, "GetActiveFaceRectangles" 返回所有检测到的人脸的矩形框, "GetActiveBoundingRectangleOnActiveStream" 返回包含所有检测到的人脸的矩形框。同时,它也包含了一些私有成员变量和结构体,例如 "FaceState" 结构体用于存储每个人脸的状态信息。

请解释下这段代码namespace cros { // This class interfaces with the Google3 auto-framing library: // http://google3/chromeos/camera/lib/auto_framing/auto_framing_cros.h class AutoFramingClient : public AutoFramingCrOS::Client { public: struct Options { Size input_size; double frame_rate = 0.0; uint32_t target_aspect_ratio_x = 0; uint32_t target_aspect_ratio_y = 0; }; // Set up the pipeline. bool SetUp(const Options& options); // Process one frame. |buffer| is only used during this function call. bool ProcessFrame(int64_t timestamp, buffer_handle_t buffer); // Return the stored ROI if a new detection is available, or nullopt if not. // After this call the stored ROI is cleared, waiting for another new // detection to fill it. std::optional<Rect<uint32_t>> TakeNewRegionOfInterest(); // Gets the crop window calculated by the full auto-framing pipeline. Rect<uint32_t> GetCropWindow(); // Tear down the pipeline and clear states. void TearDown(); // Implementations of AutoFramingCrOS::Client. void OnFrameProcessed(int64_t timestamp) override; void OnNewRegionOfInterest( int64_t timestamp, int x_min, int y_min, int x_max, int y_max) override; void OnNewCropWindow( int64_t timestamp, int x_min, int y_min, int x_max, int y_max) override; void OnNewAnnotatedFrame(int64_t timestamp, const uint8_t* data, int stride) override; private: base::Lock lock_; std::unique_ptr<AutoFramingCrOS> auto_framing_ GUARDED_BY(lock_); std::unique_ptr<CameraBufferPool> buffer_pool_ GUARDED_BY(lock_); std::map<int64_t, CameraBufferPool::Buffer> inflight_buffers_ GUARDED_BY(lock_); std::optional<Rect<uint32_t>> region_of_interest_ GUARDED_BY(lock_); Rect<uint32_t> crop_window_ GUARDED_BY(lock_); }; } // namespace

这段代码是定义了一个名为AutoFramingClient的类,该类继承自AutoFramingCrOS::Client。AutoFramingClient是一个与Google3自动裁剪库进行交互的类,用于视频流的自动裁剪。具体地,AutoFramingClient实现了SetUp、ProcessFrame、TakeNewRegionOfInterest、GetCropWindow和TearDown这几个函数,分别用于设置自动裁剪的参数、处理视频流的一帧、获取新的感兴趣区域(Region of Interest,ROI)、获取自动裁剪的窗口以及清除状态。此外,AutoFramingClient还实现了AutoFramingCrOS::Client中的几个回调函数,用于处理自动裁剪库返回的信息。在AutoFramingClient的实现中,使用了base::Lock进行线程同步,并使用了std::map和std::unique_ptr等C++标准库提供的容器和智能指针来管理内存。

严重性 代码 说明 项目 文件 行 禁止显示状态 警告 C26495 未初始化变量 cros::CD。始终初始化成员变量(type.6)。 newfre A:\vs studio\cpp\newfre\newfre.cpp 14

警告 C26495 是 Visual Studio 的静态代码分析工具给出的警告,它指出变量 cros::CD 未进行初始化。为了解决这个警告,你可以在声明结构体时为成员变量赋予一个默认值或在创建结构体实例后立即对其进行赋值。 这里是一个修改后的示例代码,为 cros::CD 成员变量添加了默认值: ```cpp struct cros { int CD = 0; std::string OD; double WT; std::string MA; std::string SO; std::string ST; }; ``` 在此示例中,我们将 cros::CD 的默认值设置为 0。你可以根据实际需求为其选择一个合适的默认值。 这样修改后,编译器就不会再给出 C26495 警告了。





from keras.utils.np_utils ...可以使用这个方法进行转换: from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical categorical_labels = to_categorical(int_labels, num_classes=None) 以mnist数据集为例: from ke



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