selenium 三种等待方式
时间: 2023-09-19 15:10:42 浏览: 183
Sure, there are three types of wait methods in Selenium:
1. Implicit Wait: This type of wait allows the web driver to wait for a certain amount of time before throwing a "no such element exception". It waits for the element to be found or present on the web page after a defined interval of time.
2. Explicit Wait: This type of wait allows the web driver to wait for a specific condition (like visibility or availability of an element) to be met before proceeding further with the execution of the script.
3. Fluent Wait: This type of wait allows the web driver to wait for a certain condition to be met for a specified period of time. It can also define the frequency (in milliseconds) at which it should check for the condition until it times out.