AttributeError: 'TdxHq_API' object has no attribute 'get_market_info'
时间: 2023-10-30 11:09:05 浏览: 121
This error message is indicating that the object of type 'TdxHq_API' does not have a method or attribute called 'get_market_info'. It is possible that this method or attribute does not exist in the API library you are using or it may have a different name. You can check the documentation or source code of the library to verify the correct name and usage of the method or attribute you are trying to use.
AttributeError: Plot_KF object has no attribute plotTraj_CA
AttributeError: Plot_KF object has no attribute plotTraj_CA的错误通常是因为在Plot_KF类中没有定义名为plotTraj_CA的属性或方法。可能的原因是代码中拼写错误或者忘记定义该属性或方法。解决此问题的方法是检查代码中是否正确定义了plotTraj_CA属性或方法,并确保拼写正确。如果代码正确,但仍然出现此错误,则可能需要检查代码中是否存在其他问题。
AttributeError: 'Basemap' object has no attribute 'set_extent'AttributeError: 'Basemap' object has no attribute 'set_extent'