3.4 Pair Interaction Feature The interaction pattern between two individuals is encoded by a spatial descriptor with view invariant relative pose encoding. Given the 3D locations of two individual detec- tions zi,zj and two pose features pi,pj, we represent the pairwise relationship using view normalization, pose co-occurrence encoding, semantic compression and a spatial histogram (see Fig. 5 for illustration). The view normalization is performed by rotating the two people in 3D space by θ with respect to their midpoint, making their connecting line perpendicular to the cam- era view point. In this step, the pose features are also shifted accordingly (e.g. if θ = 45‘, shift 1 dimension with a cycle). Then, the co-occurrence feature is obtained by building a 2-dimensional matrix in which each element (r, c) corresponds to min(pi(r), pj (c)). Although the feature is view invariant, there are still elements in the matrix that deliver the same semantic concepts (e.g. left-left and right-right). To reduce such unnecessary variance and obtain a compact representation, we perform another transformation by multiplying a semantic compression matrix Sc to the vector form of the co-occurrence feature. The matrix Sc is learned offline by enumerating all possible configurations of view points and grouping the pairs that are equivalent when rotated by 180 degrees. Finally, we obtain the pair interaction descriptor by building a spatial histogram based on the 3D distance between the two (bin centers at 0.2, 0.6, 2.0 and 6.5 m). Here, we use linear interpolation similarly to contextual feature in Sec. 3.3. Given the interac- tion descriptor for each pair, we represent the interaction feature φxx(xi,xj) using the confidence value from an SVM classifier trained on a dictionary of interaction labels Y.什么意思

时间: 2024-04-18 19:24:12 浏览: 8
这段文本介绍了一种编码两个个体之间交互模式的方法,通过具有视角不变的相对姿势编码的空间描述符。给定两个个体检测的3D位置zi、zj和两个姿势特征pi、pj,我们使用视角归一化、姿势共现编码、语义压缩和空间直方图来表示两者之间的配对关系(如图5所示)。 视角归一化是通过将两个人在3D空间中绕着它们的中点旋转θ来进行的,使它们的连接线垂直于相机视点。在这一步中,姿势特征也相应地进行了平移(例如,如果θ=45度,则进行1维周期性平移)。然后,通过构建一个二维矩阵来获取共现特征,其中每个元素(r,c)对应于min(pi(r),pj(c))。虽然该特征是视角不变的,但矩阵中仍然存在传递相同语义概念的元素(例如,left-left和right-right)。为了减少这种不必要的差异并获得紧凑的表示,我们通过将语义压缩矩阵Sc乘以共现特征的向量形式来进行另一种转换。矩阵Sc是离线学习的,通过枚举所有可能的视点配置并将旋转180度后等效的配对进行分组来得到。最后,我们通过基于两者之间的3D距离构建空间直方图(bin中心为0.2、0.6、2.0和6.5米)来获得配对交互描述符。在这里,我们使用线性插值,类似于第3.3节中的上下文特征。给定每个配对的交互描述符,我们使用在交互标签字典Y上训练的SVM分类器的置信度值来表示交互特征φxx(xi, xj)。

Run a stratified Cox model with no interaction, where all risk factors that violate the PH assumption are stratified (named Model 2). Comment on the outputs of Model 2.翻译这个问题

请问您需要翻译的是 "Run a stratified Cox model with no interaction, where all risk factors that violate the PH assumption are stratified (named Model 2). Comment on the outputs of Model 2." 这个问题吗? 翻译如下: 运行一个无交互作用的分层Cox模型,其中所有违反PH假设的风险因素都被分层(称为模型2)。评论模型2的输出。

Briefly describe the following diagrams: a.Class diagrams b.Use case diagrams: c.Objects diagrams d.Interaction diagrams

a. Class diagrams: Class diagrams are a type of structural diagram that represents the structure of a system by showing its classes, attributes, methods, and their relationships. b. Use case diagrams: Use case diagrams are a type of behavioral diagram that represents the functionality of a system by showing the interactions between actors and use cases. c. Object diagrams: Object diagrams are a type of structural diagram that represents a snapshot of a system at a particular point in time by showing objects and their relationships. d. Interaction diagrams: Interaction diagrams are a type of behavioral diagram that represents the dynamic behavior of a system by showing the interactions between objects or actors. There are two types of interaction diagrams: sequence diagrams and communication diagrams. Sequence diagrams show the interactions between objects in a sequential order, while communication diagrams show the interactions between objects in a more concurrent way.


精简下面表达:Existing protein function prediction methods integrate PPI networks and multivariate bioinformatics data to improve the performance of function prediction. By combining multivariate information, the interactions between proteins become diverse. Different interactions’ functions in functional prediction are various. Combining multiple interactions simply between two proteins can effectively reduce the effect of false negatives and increase the number of predicted functions, but it can also increase the number of false positive functions, which contribute to nonobvious enhancement for the overall functional prediction performance. In this article, we have presented a framework for protein function prediction algorithms based on PPI network and semantic similarity with the addition of protein hierarchical functions to them. The framework relies on diverse clustering algorithms and the calculation of protein semantic similarity for protein function prediction. Classification and similarity calculations for protein pairs clustered by the functional feature are more accurate and reliable, allowing for the prediction of protein function at different functional levels from different proteomes, and giving biological applications greater flexibility.The method proposed in this paper performs well on protein data from wine yeast cells, but how well it matches other data remains to be verified. Yet until now, most unknown proteins have only been able to predict protein function by calculating similarities to their homologues. The predictions result of those unknown proteins without homologues are unstable because they are relatively isolated in the protein interaction network. It is difficult to find one protein with high similarity. In the framework proposed in this article, the number of features selected after clustering and the number of protein features selected for each functional layer has a significant impact on the accuracy of subsequent functional predictions. Therefore, when making feature selection, it is necessary to select as many functional features as possible that are important for the whole interaction network. When an incorrect feature was selected, the prediction results will be somewhat different from the actual function. Thus as a whole, the method proposed in this article has improved the accuracy of protein function prediction based on the PPI network method to a certain extent and reduces the probability of false positive prediction results.




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可以使用递归的方式来实现根据id查询pid并获取所有子节点数据。具体实现可以参考以下代码: ``` def get_children_nodes(nodes, parent_id): children = [] for node in nodes: if node['pid'] == parent_id: node['children'] = get_children_nodes(nodes, node['id']) children.append(node) return children # 测试数

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