时间: 2024-03-30 12:08:53 浏览: 92
QTimer.setSingleShot 是一个函数,用于设置 QTimer 对象是否为单次触发模式。当 QTimer 对象被设置为单次触发模式时,它只会触发一次定时器事件,然后停止计时。这个函数接受一个布尔值作为参数,如果参数为 True,则 QTimer 对象被设置为单次触发模式;如果参数为 False,则 QTimer 对象被设置为循环触发模式。
self.qtimer = QTimer(self) self.qtimer.setSingleShot(True) self.qtimer.timeout.connect(lambda: self.statistic_label.clear())
这段代码是在 PyQt5 中创建一个 QTimer 对象,设置为单次触发模式,然后将其连接到一个 lambda 表达式上,该表达式会清空一个名为 statistic_label 的 QLabel 对象。这意味着在 QTimer 定时器到期时,会调用 lambda 表达式中的代码,即清空 statistic_label 标签的内容。
qtimer setsingleshot
QTimer is a class in Qt framework which is used to create and manage timers. The setSingleShot() function is a method of QTimer class which is used to set the timer to be a single-shot timer.
A single-shot timer is a timer which fires only once after the specified interval and then stops. It is useful when we want to perform a certain task after a specific delay or after a certain event occurs.
The syntax of the setSingleShot() function is as follows:
void QTimer::setSingleShot(bool singleShot)
where singleShot is a boolean value which specifies whether the timer should be a single-shot timer or not. If it is set to true, then the timer will be a single-shot timer, otherwise it will be a repetitive timer.
For example, the following code snippet creates a single-shot timer which will fire after 5 seconds:
QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this);
timer->start(5000); // 5000 milliseconds = 5 seconds
connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [=]() {
qDebug() << "Timer expired!";
In this example, we create a QTimer object and set it to be a single-shot timer using the setSingleShot(true) function. Then we start the timer with a delay of 5 seconds using the start(5000) function. Finally, we connect the timeout() signal of the timer to a lambda function which will print a message to the console when the timer expires.