Scheduling algorithms
时间: 2023-11-11 19:59:36 浏览: 155
Scheduling algorithms是指操作系统中用于决定进程执行顺序的算法。常见的调度算法有先来先服务(FCFS)、最短作业优先(SJF)、优先级调度、时间片轮转等。
Write a C program that implements the following disk-scheduling algorithms: a. FCFS b. SSTF c. SCAN d. C-SCAN e. LOOK f. C-LOOK Your program will service a disk with 5,000 cylinders numbered 0 to 4,999. The program will generate a random series of 1,000 cylinder requests and service them according to each of the algorithms listed above. The program will be passed the initial position of the disk head (as a parameter on the command line) and report the total amount of head movement required by each algorithm.
Sure, here's a sample C program that implements the disk-scheduling algorithms you mentioned:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define CYLINDERS 5000
#define REQUESTS 1000
// Struct to represent a disk request
typedef struct {
int cylinder;
bool visited;
} request;
// Function to generate random cylinder requests
void generateRequests(request* queue) {
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
queue[i].cylinder = rand() % CYLINDERS;
queue[i].visited = false;
// FCFS algorithm
int fcfs(request* queue, int head) {
int totalMovement = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
totalMovement += abs(head - queue[i].cylinder);
head = queue[i].cylinder;
return totalMovement;
// SSTF algorithm
int sstf(request* queue, int head) {
int totalMovement = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
int minDistance = CYLINDERS;
int minIndex = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < REQUESTS; j++) {
if (!queue[j].visited) {
int distance = abs(head - queue[j].cylinder);
if (distance < minDistance) {
minDistance = distance;
minIndex = j;
if (minIndex != -1) {
totalMovement += minDistance;
head = queue[minIndex].cylinder;
queue[minIndex].visited = true;
return totalMovement;
// SCAN algorithm
int scan(request* queue, int head) {
int totalMovement = 0;
int direction = 1; // 1 for up, -1 for down
int currentIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
if (queue[i].cylinder == head) {
currentIndex = i;
if (currentIndex == -1) {
// Insert head into queue
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
if (head < queue[i].cylinder) {
for (int j = REQUESTS - 1; j > i; j--) {
queue[j] = queue[j-1];
queue[i].cylinder = head;
queue[i].visited = true;
currentIndex = i;
for (int i = currentIndex; i >= 0 && i < REQUESTS; i += direction) {
if (!queue[i].visited) {
totalMovement += abs(head - queue[i].cylinder);
head = queue[i].cylinder;
queue[i].visited = true;
if (i == 0 || i == REQUESTS - 1) {
direction = -direction;
return totalMovement;
// C-SCAN algorithm
int cscan(request* queue, int head) {
int totalMovement = 0;
int currentIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
if (queue[i].cylinder == head) {
currentIndex = i;
if (currentIndex == -1) {
// Insert head into queue
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
if (head < queue[i].cylinder) {
for (int j = REQUESTS - 1; j > i; j--) {
queue[j] = queue[j-1];
queue[i].cylinder = head;
queue[i].visited = true;
currentIndex = i;
// Service requests in one direction
for (int i = currentIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!queue[i].visited) {
totalMovement += abs(head - queue[i].cylinder);
head = queue[i].cylinder;
queue[i].visited = true;
totalMovement += head; // Head movement to go to the end
head = 0;
// Service requests in the other direction
for (int i = REQUESTS - 1; i > currentIndex; i--) {
if (!queue[i].visited) {
totalMovement += abs(head - queue[i].cylinder);
head = queue[i].cylinder;
queue[i].visited = true;
return totalMovement;
// LOOK algorithm
int look(request* queue, int head) {
int totalMovement = 0;
int direction = 1; // 1 for up, -1 for down
int currentIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
if (queue[i].cylinder == head) {
currentIndex = i;
if (currentIndex == -1) {
// Insert head into queue
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
if (head < queue[i].cylinder) {
for (int j = REQUESTS - 1; j > i; j--) {
queue[j] = queue[j-1];
queue[i].cylinder = head;
queue[i].visited = true;
currentIndex = i;
for (int i = currentIndex; i >= 0 && i < REQUESTS; i += direction) {
if (!queue[i].visited) {
totalMovement += abs(head - queue[i].cylinder);
head = queue[i].cylinder;
queue[i].visited = true;
if (i == 0 || i == REQUESTS - 1) {
direction = -direction;
return totalMovement;
// C-LOOK algorithm
int clook(request* queue, int head) {
int totalMovement = 0;
int currentIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
if (queue[i].cylinder == head) {
currentIndex = i;
if (currentIndex == -1) {
// Insert head into queue
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
if (head < queue[i].cylinder) {
for (int j = REQUESTS - 1; j > i; j--) {
queue[j] = queue[j-1];
queue[i].cylinder = head;
queue[i].visited = true;
currentIndex = i;
// Service requests in one direction
for (int i = currentIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!queue[i].visited) {
totalMovement += abs(head - queue[i].cylinder);
head = queue[i].cylinder;
queue[i].visited = true;
// Service requests in the other direction
for (int i = REQUESTS - 1; i > currentIndex; i--) {
if (!queue[i].visited) {
totalMovement += abs(head - queue[i].cylinder);
head = queue[i].cylinder;
queue[i].visited = true;
return totalMovement;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Usage: %s <initial position>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
int initial = atoi(argv[1]);
if (initial < 0 || initial >= CYLINDERS) {
printf("Initial position must be between 0 and %d\n", CYLINDERS - 1);
return 1;
request queue[REQUESTS];
printf("FCFS: %d\n", fcfs(queue, initial));
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
queue[i].visited = false;
printf("SSTF: %d\n", sstf(queue, initial));
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
queue[i].visited = false;
printf("SCAN: %d\n", scan(queue, initial));
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
queue[i].visited = false;
printf("C-SCAN: %d\n", cscan(queue, initial));
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
queue[i].visited = false;
printf("LOOK: %d\n", look(queue, initial));
for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
queue[i].visited = false;
printf("C-LOOK: %d\n", clook(queue, initial));
return 0;
To compile and run the program, you can use the following commands:
$ gcc disk-scheduling.c -o disk-scheduling
$ ./disk-scheduling <initial position>
Replace `<initial position>` with the desired starting position of the disk head. The program will generate a random series of 1,000 cylinder requests and service them according to each of the algorithms listed above, reporting the total amount of head movement required by each algorithm.