bool serial_port::serial_port_write_read_at(const std::string &at_command, const std::string &resp_prefix, AT_RESPONSE *at_response) { char *read_line; bool ret_value = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&read_write_mutex); if (!serial_port_write_at_cmd(at_command.c_str())) { goto END; } do { read_line = serial_port_read_one_line(); if (read_line) { //LOG_F(INFO, "read one line from serial: %s", read_line); if (!strncmp(read_line, "AT", strlen("AT")) || !strncmp(read_line, "at", strlen("at"))) { //Do nothing } else if (!strncmp(read_line, "OK", strlen("OK"))) { //LOG_F(INFO, "find final response OK"); ret_value = true; if (at_response != nullptr) { at_response->state = RESP_OK; } break; } else if (!strncmp(read_line, "ERROR", strlen("ERROR")) || !strncmp(read_line, "+CME ERROR", strlen("+CME ERROR"))) { //LOG_F(INFO, "find final response ERROR"); ret_value = false; if (at_response != nullptr) { at_response->state = RESP_ERROR; } break; } else { if (at_response != nullptr) { //LOG_F(INFO, "put response string to AT_RESPONSE"); at_response->response_data[at_response->response_lines] = strdup(read_line); at_response->response_lines += 1; if (at_response->response_lines >= MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH) at_response->response_lines = 0; } } } } while (true); END: pthread_mutex_unlock(&read_write_mutex); return ret_value; } 没有break反复循环的情况下,开头都是从serial_port_read_one_line这里开始吗?也就是do后面开始执行
时间: 2024-04-18 22:30:47 浏览: 114
error: cannot convert ‘DceHelper::GlobalSeatFilter’ from type ‘bool (DceHelper::)(const string&, const string&, std::string&, int, int, bool) {aka bool (DceHelper::)(const std::basic_string<char>&, const std::basic_string<char>&, std::basic_string<char>&, int, int, bool)}’ to type ‘bool (*)(const string&, const string&, std::string&, int, int, bool) {aka bool (*)(const std::basic_string<char>&, const std::basic_string<char>&, std::basic_string<char>&, int, int, bool)}’
该错误提示表明不能将类型为“bool (DceHelper::)(const string&, const string&, std::string&, int, int, bool)”的成员函数指针转换为类型为“bool (*)(const string&, const string&, std::string&, int, int, bool)”的自由函数指针。
class MyClass {
bool myFunction(const string& str);
MyClass obj;
auto funcPtr = std::bind(&MyClass::myFunction, &obj, std::placeholders::_1);
bool (*freeFuncPtr)(const string&) = funcPtr;
struct SMS { int index; std::string state; std::string sender; std::string timestamp; std::string message; }; std::vector<SMS> smsList; bool serial_port::serial_port_write_read_at_bySMS(const std::string &at_command, const std::string &resp_prefix, std::vector<SMS>& smsList) { std::vector<std::string> read_lines; bool ret_value = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&read_write_mutex); if (!serial_port_write_at_cmd(at_command.c_str())) { goto END; } while (true) { int index = -1, n = -1; char state[32] = {}, phone_num[32] = {}, phone_time[64] = {}; read_lines = serial_port_read_multiple_lines(); for (size_t i = 0; i < read_lines.size(); i++) { //LOG_F(INFO, "read one line from serial: %s", read_line); if (read_lines[i].find("AT") != std::string::npos || read_lines[i].find("at") != std::string::npos) { //Do nothing } else if (read_lines[i].find("OK") != std::string::npos) { //LOG_F(INFO, "find final response OK"); ret_value = true; break; } else if (read_lines[i].find("ERROR") != std::string::npos || read_lines[i].find("+CME ERROR") != std::string::npos) { //LOG_F(INFO, "find final response ERROR"); ret_value = false; break; } else if (read_lines[i].find("+CMGL") != std::string::npos) { LOG_F(INFO, "response_data[%d]: %s", i, read_lines[i]); sscanf(read_lines[i], R"(+CMGL: %d,"%s","%s","%s")", &n, state, phone_num, phone_time); LOG_F(INFO, "n: %d, state: %s, phone_num: %s, phone_time: %s", n, state, phone_num, phone_time); SMS sms; index = i; sms.index = index; sms.state = state; sms.sender = phone_num; sms.timestamp = phone_time; if (read_lines[i].find('\n') != std::string::npos) { sms.message = read_lines[i+1]; } smsList.push_back(sms); // break; } else { LOG_F(INFO, "response_data[%d]->message: %s", i, read_lines[i]); // 继续往下读一行 } } if (index == -1) { break; // 未找到新的响应,退出循环 } } END: pthread_mutex_unlock(&read_write_mutex); return ret_value; } 这段代码有问题吗?如何改正
1. 在循环中,`index`变量应该在每次循环开始时被设置为-1,以便判断是否找到了新的响应。目前,`index`只在找到"+CMGL"响应时被设置为有效值,但是没有在未找到新响应时重置为-1。
2. 在读取响应行时,使用`find()`函数来检查字符串是否包含特定内容。这种方法可能导致误判,因为只要字符串中包含目标内容即可,而不需要完全匹配。建议使用`==`运算符进行精确匹配。
3. 在读取短信消息内容时,使用了错误的索引。根据代码中的逻辑,应该是读取`read_lines[i+1]`作为短信消息内容,而不是`read_lines[i]`。
4. 在读取短信消息内容之前,应该先检查索引是否超出了`read_lines`的范围,避免访问越界。
5. 在读取短信消息内容之后,应该将索引设置为下一个未读取的响应行的索引,以便下一次循环时能够正确读取下一个短信。
bool serial_port::serial_port_write_read_at_bySMS(const std::string &at_command,
const std::string &resp_prefix,
std::vector<SMS>& smsList)
std::vector<std::string> read_lines;
bool ret_value = false;
if (!serial_port_write_at_cmd(at_command.c_str()))
goto END;
int index = -1; // 初始化索引为-1
while (true)
int n = -1;
char state[32] = {}, phone_num[32] = {}, phone_time[64] = {};
read_lines = serial_port_read_multiple_lines();
for (size_t i = 0; i < read_lines.size(); i++)
// LOG_F(INFO, "read one line from serial: %s", read_lines[i].c_str());
if (read_lines[i] == "AT" || read_lines[i] == "at")
// Do nothing
else if (read_lines[i] == "OK")
// LOG_F(INFO, "find final response OK");
ret_value = true;
else if (read_lines[i] == "ERROR" || read_lines[i] == "+CME ERROR")
// LOG_F(INFO, "find final response ERROR");
ret_value = false;
else if (read_lines[i].find("+CMGL") != std::string::npos)
LOG_F(INFO, "response_data[%zu]: %s", i, read_lines[i].c_str());
R"(+CMGL: %d,"%s","%s","%s")", &n, state, phone_num, phone_time);
LOG_F(INFO, "n: %d, state: %s, phone_num: %s, phone_time: %s", n, state, phone_num, phone_time);
SMS sms;
index = i;
sms.index = index;
sms.state = state;
sms.sender = phone_num;
sms.timestamp = phone_time;
if (i + 1 < read_lines.size() && read_lines[i + 1].find('\n') != std::string::npos)
sms.message = read_lines[i + 1];
index = i + 1; // 设置索引为下一个未读取的响应行的索引
LOG_F(INFO, "response_data[%zu]->message: %s", i, read_lines[i].c_str());
// 继续往下读一行
if (index == -1)
break; // 未找到新的响应,退出循环
return ret_value;