用 maya mel写 一个,列出所选中线的环线
时间: 2024-05-30 16:15:50 浏览: 166
下面是一个列出所选中线的环线的Maya MEL脚本:
global proc listEdgeLoops()
string $selectedEdges[] = `ls -sl -fl`;
string $edgeLoop[];
// Loop through each selected edge
for ($edge in $selectedEdges)
// Get the connected edges
string $connectedEdges[] = `polyListComponentConversion -fe -tv $edge`;
// Loop through the connected edges
for ($connectedEdge in $connectedEdges)
// Check if the connected edge is already in the edge loop
if (!stringArrayContains($edgeLoop, $connectedEdge))
// If not, add it to the edge loop
$edgeLoop[size($edgeLoop)] = $connectedEdge;
// Print out the edge loop
print("Edge Loop: " + stringArrayToString($edgeLoop, ", ") + "\n");
// Helper function to check if a string array contains a certain string
global proc int stringArrayContains(string $stringArray[], string $string)
for ($i = 0; $i < size($stringArray); $i++)
if ($stringArray[$i] == $string)
return 1;
return 0;
// Helper function to convert a string array to a string with a delimiter
global proc string stringArrayToString(string $stringArray[], string $delimiter)
string $result = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < size($stringArray); $i++)
$result += $stringArray[$i];
if ($i < size($stringArray) - 1)
$result += $delimiter;
return $result;
// Call the listEdgeLoops function