Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (93)
时间: 2023-11-07 18:58:36 浏览: 166
Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (93)是一种错误信息,它表示Node Sass不支持您当前的操作系统环境和运行时。这通常意味着您的环境不兼容Node Sass库。要解决这个问题,您可以尝试以下几个步骤:
1. 确保您的操作系统和Node.js版本符合Node Sass的要求。您可以在Node Sass的官方文档中查找支持的环境和版本要求。
2. 如果您的Node.js版本较旧,尝试升级到最新版本。使用nvm(Node Version Manager)或类似的工具可以方便地管理Node.js版本。
3. 检查您的项目中是否有冲突的依赖项。有时其他包可能与Node Sass产生冲突,导致不兼容性问题。可以尝试更新或删除相关的依赖项。
4. 如果您仍然遇到问题,可以考虑使用其他的CSS预处理器,例如Less或Stylus,作为替代方案。
Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (93)
This error message is usually related to an incompatible version of Node.js or node-sass with your current operating system. To fix this issue, you can try the following solutions:
1. Update Node.js to the latest version: Go to the official Node.js website and download the latest version of Node.js for your operating system. Then install it on your computer and try running your project again.
2. Update node-sass: If you are using an older version of node-sass, try upgrading to the latest version by running the following command in your terminal:
npm install node-sass@latest
3. Use a compatible version of node-sass: If updating Node.js or node-sass does not work, you can try using a specific version of node-sass that is compatible with your operating system. You can find the list of compatible versions on the node-sass GitHub page. To install a specific version, run the following command in your terminal:
npm install node-sass@<version>
Note: Make sure to replace <version> with the specific version number you want to install.
4. Use a different environment: If none of the above solutions work, you can try using a different environment that is compatible with your operating system. For example, you can use a virtual machine or a container to run your project in a different environment.
Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (88)
根据引用和[2],你遇到的问题是Node Sass在你的当前环境下不受支持。具体来说,在你的Windows 64位系统中,Node Sass无法运行在不支持的运行时下。
1. 打开命令行工具,并导航到你的项目文件夹。
2. 运行以下命令以卸载当前版本的node-sass:
npm uninstall --save node-sass
3. 完成卸载后,运行以下命令以重新安装node-sass:
npm install --save node-sass
重新安装后,你应该能够运行npm run dev命令,而不再遇到"Node Sass does not yet support your current environment"的错误消息。