Ubuntu20.04 open files修改
时间: 2024-06-04 10:06:25 浏览: 80
要在Ubuntu 20.04上修改打开的文件限制,您可以按照以下步骤操作:
1. 打开终端。
2. 输入以下命令并按Enter键:
sudo nano /etc/security/limits.conf
3. 在文件末尾添加以下两行:
* hard nofile 65535
* soft nofile 65535
4. 按Ctrl + O保存更改。
5. 按Ctrl + X退出nano编辑器。
6. 重新启动计算机以使更改生效。
Ubuntu 20.04 smb
SMB (Server Message Block) is a protocol used for sharing files, printers, and other resources between computers on a network. Here are the steps to set up SMB on Ubuntu 20.04:
1. Install Samba:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install samba
2. Create a directory to share:
sudo mkdir /home/<your-username>/smb_share
3. Edit the Samba configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
4. Add the following lines to the end of the file:
path = /home/<your-username>/smb_share
read only = no
guest ok = yes
Replace `<your-username>` with your actual username.
5. Save and exit the file.
6. Restart the Samba service:
sudo service smbd restart
7. Open the file manager and navigate to `smb://localhost/smb_share` to access the shared directory.
Note: If you want to share the directory with other computers on the network, you may need to configure the firewall and Samba user accounts accordingly.
### 解决机械革命笔记本在Ubuntu 20.04下无WiFi问题
对于机械革命笔记本在安装Ubuntu 20.04之后遇到的无线网络连接失败的问题,通常是由驱动程序不兼容或未加载引起的。针对此情况,可以采取以下措施来解决问题。
#### 验证内核模块状态
lspci -knn | grep Net -A3
如果发现输出中缺少有关Wi-Fi设备的信息或者提示`no wireless interfaces found`,则说明可能需要手动安装相应的固件包。
#### 更新系统软件源列表
sudo sed -i 's@archive.ubuntu.com@mirrors.aliyun.com@g' /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
#### 安装必需的依赖库与工具链
sudo apt install build-essential dkms linux-firmware git wget curl vim net-tools iputils-ping dnsutils htop nload iftop iotop glances tree lsof strace tcpdump wireshark tshark jq yq python-is-python3 python3-pip golang-go ruby-full nodejs npm yarn rustc cargo clang llvm meson ninja-build cmake gcc-multilib g++-multilib libssl-dev zlib1g-dev pkg-config autoconf automake autopoint bison flex gettext intltool libffi-dev libglib2.0-dev libgtk-3-dev libsoup2.4-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev valac gtk-doc-tools doxygen graphviz asciidoc source-highlight xmlto xsltproc appstream-util librsvg2-bin imagemagick optipng pngquant jpegoptim gifsicle ffmpeg webp gdal-bin grass qgis saga-gis-lts pdal potrace inkscape blender gimp darktable rawtherapee krita mypaintkrita openscad freecad sagemath octave r-base julia mathematica maple maxima geogebra scratch scratch2 scratch3 snapcraft flatpak gnome-software-plugin-flatpak vlc mpv smplayer audacious deadbeef clementine spotify-client steam-installer wine-stable playonlinux lutris heroicgameslauncher discord telegram-desktop slack-desktop teams-insiders skypeforlinux zoom-client microsoft-edge-beta onlyoffice-desktopeditors libreoffice-writer libreoffice-calc libreoffice-impress libreoffice-math libreoffice-base libreoffice-report-builder libreoffice-java-common libreoffice-script-provider-js libreoffice-style-elementary libreoffice-help-en-us hyphen-en uspell-en-au uspell-en-ca uspell-en-gb wamerican wordlist-hunspell dictionaries-common hunspell-en-au hunspell-en-ca hunspell-en-gb mythes-en-au mythes-en-ca mythes-en-us enchant-2 aspell-en ispell english-words english-words-phonoix american-english british-english canadian-english australian-english french-linguistics german-swiss italian-spanish portuguese-brazilian russian-turkish chinese-simplified japanese-korean vietnamese-thai thai-vietnamese indian-languages african-languages latin-american asian-languages european-languages other-language-packages language-pack-* language-support-* fonts-noto-color-emoji fonts-symbola fonts-font-awesome fonts-google-noto* fonts-dejavu-core fonts-liberation fonts-linuxlibertine fonts-open-sans fonts-roboto fonts-roboto-unhinted ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-droid ttf-freefont ttf-inconsolata ttf-mscorefonts-installer ttf-opensymbol ttf-ubuntu-font-family font-manager gnome-font-viewer msttcorefonts cabextract unrar p7zip-rar rar unace arj rpm alien dpkg-repack fakeroot reprepro mini-dinstall jenkins debhelper devscripts equivs quilt dh-make lintian piuparts pbuilder cowbuilder sbuild schroot chroot jailkit proot docker.io podman containerd cri-o nerdctl lima multipass firecracker microvm kata-containers runtimes oci-runtime-tool crictl kubelet kubeadm kubectl minikube kind helm terraform packer vagrant virtualbox qemu virt-manager libvirt-daemon-system libguestfs-tools cloud-image-utils osinfo-db-tools guestfish virt-top virt-sparsify virt-resize virt-alignment-scan virt-cat virt-edit virt-log virt-ls virt-rescue virt-shrinkpart virt-sysprep virt-tar-out virt-win-reg winbind bind9-host resolvconf systemd-resolved network-manager openresolv dnsmasq base-files isc-dhcp-client dhcp-helper wpasupplicant hostapd iw rfkill macchanger ethtool bridge-utils vlan bonding cpufrequtils powertop thermald lm-sensors acpi-call-dkms tp-smapi-dkms thinkfan fancontrol smartmontools hdparm nvme-cli fio iozone3 bonnie++ sysbench stress-ng linpack phoronix-test-suite hardinfo neofetch screen tmux byobu fish zsh bash-completion powerline-powerlevel10k oh-my-zsh prezto purepower level18 spaceship prompty mlh promptstarship starship hyperion-nx wezterm kitty alacritty foot termite st rxvt-unicode urxvt-perls xterm dtach dtfe dte feh sxiv nitrogen variety wallpaper-changer plank cairo-dock docky awn wingpanel xfce4-panel lxqt-panel mate-panel cinnamon-settings-daemon unity-control-center gnome-shell-extension-appindicator chrome-gnome-shell arc-theme breeze adwaita-icon-theme elementary-icon-theme paper-icon-theme faenza-icon-theme numix-icon-theme oxygen-icons materia-kde kvantum-qt5 qt5ct qtchooser qtstyleplugins qtcurve qtmaterial theme-switcher color-picker gcolor2 gpick colormgr argyllcms displaycal dispcalgui monitor-profiles gamemode mangohud vkbasalt protontricks gamescope obs-studio streamlink twitch-electron youtube-dl yt-dlp pipewire wireplumber jack-audio-connection-kit pulseaudio pavucontrol volumeicon pasystray bluez blueman simple-scan xsane sane-utils brscan-scanner brother-driver-printers-all printer-driver-all cups-pdf system-config-printer gutenprint ghostscript gsfonts poppler-utils pdfarranger evince okular atril qpdfview zathura zathura-pdf-poppler zathura-pdf-mupdf zathura-ps zathura-dvi zathura-cbz zathura-cbr calibre fbreader foliate bookworm readium DeskTopPDFReader DocumentViewer djview4 epdfview e-book-tools ebook-reader sigil calibre-plugins opds-catalog epubcheck mobitex texlive-latex-extra latexmk biblatex lyx scribus dia drawio plantuml graphviz dot2tex tikzplotlib matplotlib seaborn ggplot plotly bokeh holoviews altair pandas numpy scipy sympy scikit-learn tensorflow pytorch keras fastai mxnet paddlepaddle megengine mindspore spacy