% plot_Bscan.m % Script to plot EM fields from a gprMax B-scan % % Craig Warren clear all, clc [filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.out', 'Select gprMax output file to plot B-scan', 'MultiSelect', 'on'); filename = fullfile(pathname, filename); % Open file and read fields if filename ~= 0 iterations = double(h5readatt(filename, '/', 'Iterations')); dt = h5readatt(filename, '/', 'dt'); prompt = 'Which field do you want to view? Ex, Ey, or Ez: '; field = input(prompt,'s'); fieldpath = strcat('/rxs/rx1/', field); field = h5read(filename, fieldpath)'; time = linspace(0, (iterations - 1) * dt, iterations)'; traces = 0:size(field, 2); fh1=figure('Name', filename); clims = [-max(max(abs(field))) max(max(abs(field)))]; im = imagesc(traces, time, field, clims); xlabel('Trace number'); ylabel('Time [s]'); c = colorbar; c.Label.String = 'Field strength [V/m]'; ax = gca; ax.FontSize = 16; xlim([0 traces(end)]); % Options to create a nice looking figure for display and printing set(fh1,'Color','white','Menubar','none'); X = 60; % Paper size Y = 30; % Paper size xMargin = 0; % Left/right margins from page borders yMargin = 0; % Bottom/top margins from page borders xSize = X - 2*xMargin; % Figure size on paper (width & height) ySize = Y - 2*yMargin; % Figure size on paper (width & height) % Figure size displayed on screen set(fh1, 'Units','centimeters', 'Position', [0 0 xSize ySize]) movegui(fh1, 'center') % Figure size printed on paper set(fh1,'PaperUnits', 'centimeters') set(fh1,'PaperSize', [X Y]) set(fh1,'PaperPosition', [xMargin yMargin xSize ySize]) set(fh1,'PaperOrientation', 'portrait') end

时间: 2024-02-06 22:03:00 浏览: 24
这是一个 MATLAB 脚本,用于绘制 gprMax 模拟数据的 B-scan 图像。用户需要选择一个输出文件,然后指定要查看的场强量(Ex,Ey 或 Ez),脚本将读取相应的数据并生成图像。图像中的 x 轴表示探测器(rxs)的测量位置,y 轴表示时间,颜色表示场强。此外,该脚本还提供了一些选项,用于创建漂亮的图像以供显示和打印。


好的,以下是一个示例代码,供参考: ```matlab % 读取多个B-scan的out文件 Bscan1 = load('Bscan1.out'); Bscan2 = load('Bscan2.out'); % ... 其他B-scan文件 % 设置C-scan的参数 num_Bscans = 10; % B-scan的数量 num_Ascans = size(Bscan1,1); % A-scan的数量 spacing_Ascan = 0.1; % A-scan的间距,单位为mm spacing_Bscan = 1; % B-scan的间距,单位为mm % 初始化C-scan数组 Cscan = zeros(num_Ascans, num_Bscans); % 将B-scan数据填充到C-scan数组中 Cscan(:,1) = Bscan1(:,2); Cscan(:,2) = Bscan2(:,2); % ... 其他B-scan数据 % 绘制C-scan图像 figure; imagesc([0 (num_Bscans-1)*spacing_Bscan], [0 (num_Ascans-1)*spacing_Ascan], Cscan); colormap gray; xlabel('Lateral distance (mm)'); ylabel('Axial distance (mm)'); title('C-scan Image'); ``` 在这个示例代码中,我们假设B-scan的数据存储在名为`Bscan1.out`、`Bscan2.out`等文件中,每个文件中包含了每一行对应的A-scan数据。我们使用`load`函数将这些文件读入到Matlab中。 接下来,我们设置C-scan的参数:`num_Bscans`表示B-scan的数量,`num_Ascans`表示每个B-scan中的A-scan数量,`spacing_Ascan`和`spacing_Bscan`表示A-scan和B-scan之间的间距,单位为mm。 然后,我们初始化一个大小为`num_Ascans x num_Bscans`的C-scan数组,并将每个B-scan的数据填充到对应的列中。 最后,我们使用`imagesc`函数绘制C-scan图像,其中参数`[0 (num_Bscans-1)*spacing_Bscan]`和`[0 (num_Ascans-1)*spacing_Ascan]`表示图像的x轴和y轴范围,`colormap gray`表示使用灰度色彩映射,`xlabel`和`ylabel`设置x轴和y轴标签,`title`设置图像标题。

优化这段代码 让它输出可以改变坐标轴大小的图像形式 % plot_Bscan.m % Script to plot EM fields from a gprMax B-scan % % Craig Warren clear all, clc [filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.out', 'Select gprMax output file to plot B-scan', 'MultiSelect', 'on'); filename = fullfile(pathname, filename); % Open file and read fields if filename ~= 0 iterations = double(h5readatt(filename, '/', 'Iterations')); dt = h5readatt(filename, '/', 'dt'); prompt = 'Which field do you want to view? Ex, Ey, or Ez: '; field = input(prompt,'s'); fieldpath = strcat('/rxs/rx1/', field); field = h5read(filename, fieldpath)'; time = linspace(0, (iterations - 1) * dt, iterations)'; traces = 0:size(field, 2); fh1=figure('Name', filename); clims = [-max(max(abs(field))) max(max(abs(field)))]; im = imagesc(traces, time, field, clims); xlabel('Trace number'); ylabel('Time [s]'); c = colorbar; c.Label.String = 'Field强度 strength [V/m]'; ax = gca; ax.FontSize = 16; xlim([0 traces(end)]); % Options to create a nice looking figure for display and printing set(fh1,'Color','white','Menubar','none'); X = 60; % Paper size Y = 30; % Paper size xMargin = 0; % Left/right margins from page borders yMargin = 0; % Bottom/top margins from page borders xSize = X - 2*xMargin; % Figure size on paper (width & height) ySize = Y - 2*yMargin; % Figure size on paper (width & height) % Figure size displayed on screen set(fh1, 'Units','centimeters', 'Position', [0 0 xSize ySize]) movegui(fh1, 'center') % Figure size printed on paper set(fh1,'PaperUnits', 'centimeters') set(fh1,'PaperSize', [X Y]) set(fh1,'PaperPosition', [xMargin yMargin xSize ySize]) set(fh1,'PaperOrientation', 'portrait') end

改进后的代码如下: ```matlab % plot_Bscan.m % Script to plot EM fields from a gprMax B-scan % Craig Warren clear all, clc [filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.out', 'Select gprMax output file to plot B-scan', 'MultiSelect', 'on'); filename = fullfile(pathname, filename); % Open file and read fields if filename ~= 0 iterations = double(h5readatt(filename, '/', 'Iterations')); dt = h5readatt(filename, '/', 'dt'); prompt = 'Which field do you want to view? Ex, Ey, or Ez: '; field = input(prompt,'s'); fieldpath = strcat('/rxs/rx1/', field); field = h5read(filename, fieldpath)'; time = linspace(0, (iterations - 1) * dt, iterations)'; traces = 0:size(field, 2); fh1=figure('Name', filename); clims = [-max(max(abs(field))) max(max(abs(field)))]; im = imagesc(traces, time, field, clims); xlabel('Trace number'); ylabel('Time [s]'); c = colorbar; c.Label.String = 'Field strength [V/m]'; ax = gca; ax.FontSize = 16; % Options to create a nice looking figure for display and printing set(fh1,'Color','white','Menubar','none'); X = 60; % Paper size Y = 30; % Paper size xMargin = 0; % Left/right margins from page borders yMargin = 0; % Bottom/top margins from page borders xSize = X - 2*xMargin; % Figure size on paper (width & height) ySize = Y - 2*yMargin; % Figure size on paper (width & height) % Figure size displayed on screen set(fh1, 'Units','centimeters', 'Position', [0 0 xSize ySize]) movegui(fh1, 'center') % Figure size printed on paper set(fh1,'PaperUnits', 'centimeters') set(fh1,'PaperSize', [X Y]) set(fh1,'PaperPosition', [xMargin yMargin xSize ySize]) set(fh1,'PaperOrientation', 'portrait') % Allow user to adjust axis limits prompt = 'Do you want to adjust the axis limits? (y/n): '; response = input(prompt, 's'); if response == 'y' prompt = 'Enter the lower limit for the y-axis: '; yLow = input(prompt); prompt = 'Enter the upper limit for the y-axis: '; yHigh = input(prompt); ylim([yLow, yHigh]); end end ``` 改进的部分是添加了一个可以让用户调整坐标轴大小的选项。当程序运行时,它会询问用户是否要调整y轴的范围,如果用户输入'y',则程序会提示用户输入y轴下限和上限。然后使用ylim函数将y轴的范围设置为用户输入的值。


优化这段代码 % plot_Bscan.m % Script to plot EM fields from a gprMax B-scan % % Craig Warren clear all, clc [filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.out', 'Select gprMax output file to plot B-scan', 'MultiSelect', 'on'); filename = fullfile(pathname, filename); % Open file and read fields if filename ~= 0 iterations = double(h5readatt(filename, '/', 'Iterations')); dt = h5readatt(filename, '/', 'dt'); prompt = 'Which field do you want to view? Ex, Ey, or Ez: '; field = input(prompt,'s'); fieldpath = strcat('/rxs/rx1/', field); field = h5read(filename, fieldpath)'; time = linspace(0, (iterations - 1) * dt, iterations)'; traces = 0:size(field, 2); fh1=figure('Name', filename); clims = [-max(max(abs(field))) max(max(abs(field)))]; im = imagesc(traces, time, field, clims); xlabel('Trace number'); ylabel('Time [s]'); c = colorbar; c.Label.String = 'Field strength [V/m]'; ax = gca; ax.FontSize = 16; xlim([0 traces(end)]); % Options to create a nice looking figure for display and printing set(fh1,'Color','white','Menubar','none'); X = 60; % Paper size Y = 30; % Paper size xMargin = 0; % Left/right margins from page borders yMargin = 0; % Bottom/top margins from page borders xSize = X - 2*xMargin; % Figure size on paper (width & height) ySize = Y - 2*yMargin; % Figure size on paper (width & height) % Figure size displayed on screen set(fh1, 'Units','centimeters', 'Position', [0 0 xSize ySize]) movegui(fh1, 'center') % Figure size printed on paper set(fh1,'PaperUnits', 'centimeters') set(fh1,'PaperSize', [X Y]) set(fh1,'PaperPosition', [xMargin yMargin xSize ySize]) set(fh1,'PaperOrientation', 'portrait') end





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