postman header
时间: 2023-09-18 10:12:55 浏览: 94
Postman headers are part of the HTTP request that is sent by Postman to the server. Headers provide additional information about the request, such as the type of data being sent, the language used by the client, and any authentication credentials that are required.
To add headers in Postman:
1. Open Postman and create a new request.
2. Click on the "Headers" tab below the URL bar.
3. Click the "Add Header" button.
4. Enter the header name and value in the appropriate fields.
5. Click "Save" to add the header to the request.
Some common headers used in HTTP requests include:
- Content-Type: specifies the type of data being sent in the request (e.g. application/json, text/plain).
- Authorization: provides authentication information required to access the resource.
- User-Agent: identifies the client making the request (e.g. browser, mobile app).
- Accept: specifies the response data format that the client is expecting (e.g. application/json, text/html).