write a one-page non-technical report in English to the leaders of China on whether to support a switch to GGDP or to reject a switch and maintain GDP as the primary measure of national economic health.给我一些支撑文献的网址
时间: 2023-03-12 08:54:34 浏览: 140
我可以推荐以下网址作为支撑文献:1. 经济学院:https://economics.cals.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/wp/2018/econ_wp_2018_022.pdf2. 国际货币基金组织:https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2017/06/wilson.htm3. 加州大学伯克利分校:https://ers.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/publications/ers_wp_2017-12_2.pdf4. 经济学家:https://www.economist.com/leaders/2017/09/21/gauging-the-value-of-gdp
Motivated by the above discussion, a multi-leader multifollower Stackelberg game architecture is proposed to formulate the interaction between BSs and UEs. In this game, BSs have an advantage as the first mover and can be regarded as the market leaders. UEs are assumed to be in the position of followers in this market. There is a sequential relationship between the actions of the participants. Therefore, the Stackelberg model is more suitable than the Cournot model. Under the proposed architecture, a user association algorithm based on joint UE demand shaping and BS demand response is proposed. With this framework, we can maximize the UE utility function and apply flexible payoff functions to BSs and UEs to design a load-balancing algorithm.翻译
翻译:As shown in Fig. 2, to solve problems (7) and (11), a multileader multi-follower Stackelberg game SL, in which BSs are regarded as leaders and UE are followers, is adopted. Although players make their decisions independently, a hierarchy of players at different levels exists in this game, and the strategies chosen by the followers depend on the strategies selected by the leaders. Moreover, the choice of the optimal strategy of leaders can vary with the follower equilibrium that occurs. Here, the Stackelberg equilibrium (SE) of the proposed Stackelberg game is defined as follows.