def is_preprocess(input): # print(input.shape) output = input - smooth(input,WINDOW) return output请用中文逐行分析这段代码
时间: 2024-04-16 11:24:43 浏览: 150
这段代码定义了一个名为 `is_preprocess` 的函数,它接受一个名为 `input` 的参数。下面是逐行的中文分析:
1. `# print(input.shape)` 这是一行注释,用于向开发者注明此行代码的功能。它被用作调试目的,以打印输入参数 `input` 的形状。由于注释的存在,这行代码实际上被注释掉了,不会被执行。
2. `output = input - smooth(input, WINDOW)` 这行代码的作用是对输入参数 `input` 进行预处理。它调用了一个名为 `smooth` 的函数,并将函数返回值与 `input` 相减,然后将结果赋值给变量 `output`。
3. `return output` 这行代码用于返回变量 `output` 的值作为函数的结果。当调用 `is_preprocess` 函数时,它将返回经过预处理后的输出结果。
总体来说,这段代码定义了一个函数 `is_preprocess`,它对输入参数进行了预处理,并返回预处理后的结果。其中包括一行被注释的代码,用于打印输入参数的形状。
def yolo_meminout(frame_in,img_w,img_h,frame_out): ## image preprocess start start_time = time.time() start_time_total = start_time img_boxed = letterbox_image(frame_in,416,416) #"./pictures/pictrue_boxed.jpg") img_array_3_416_416 = image_to_array_1dim(img_boxed,416,416) input_tmp_img = float32_int(img_array_3_416_416) end_time = time.time() image_preprocess = end_time - start_time # image preprocess end ## load image to memory(DRAM) start start_time = time.time() np.copyto(img_base_buffer[0:259584],input_tmp_img) end_time = time.time() load_image_to_memory = end_time - start_time
我想在以下这段代码中,添加显示标有特征点的图像的功能。def cnn_feature_extract(image,scales=[.25, 0.50, 1.0], nfeatures = 1000): if len(image.shape) == 2: image = image[:, :, np.newaxis] image = np.repeat(image, 3, -1) # TODO: switch to PIL.Image due to deprecation of scipy.misc.imresize. resized_image = image if max(resized_image.shape) > max_edge: resized_image = scipy.misc.imresize( resized_image, max_edge / max(resized_image.shape) ).astype('float') if sum(resized_image.shape[: 2]) > max_sum_edges: resized_image = scipy.misc.imresize( resized_image, max_sum_edges / sum(resized_image.shape[: 2]) ).astype('float') fact_i = image.shape[0] / resized_image.shape[0] fact_j = image.shape[1] / resized_image.shape[1] input_image = preprocess_image( resized_image, preprocessing="torch" ) with torch.no_grad(): if multiscale: keypoints, scores, descriptors = process_multiscale( torch.tensor( input_image[np.newaxis, :, :, :].astype(np.float32), device=device ), model, scales ) else: keypoints, scores, descriptors = process_multiscale( torch.tensor( input_image[np.newaxis, :, :, :].astype(np.float32), device=device ), model, scales ) # Input image coordinates keypoints[:, 0] *= fact_i keypoints[:, 1] *= fact_j # i, j -> u, v keypoints = keypoints[:, [1, 0, 2]] if nfeatures != -1: #根据scores排序 scores2 = np.array([scores]).T res = np.hstack((scores2, keypoints)) res = res[np.lexsort(-res[:, ::-1].T)] res = np.hstack((res, descriptors)) #取前几个 scores = res[0:nfeatures, 0].copy() keypoints = res[0:nfeatures, 1:4].copy() descriptors = res[0:nfeatures, 4:].copy() del res return keypoints, scores, descriptors
1. 导入OpenCV库:import cv2
2. 在函数中添加以下代码,绘制特征点:
img_with_keypoints = cv2.drawKeypoints(image, keypoints, np.array([]), (255,0,0), cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS)
cv2.imshow("Image with Keypoints", img_with_keypoints)