时间: 2023-06-24 15:03:26 浏览: 197
是的,有Java版的UI自动化框架封装,叫做JUIAutomation。JUIAutomation是一个开源的Java库,它基于Microsoft UI Automation API实现了Windows UI自动化的功能,可以在Java应用程序中方便地实现UI测试和自动化操作。您可以在GitHub上找到JUIAutomation的源代码和使用说明。
windows . uia
Windows.UIA is a set of programming interfaces that allows developers to write automation scripts and applications for Windows. These interfaces are part of the Microsoft UI Automation framework, which provides a way for developers to access and manipulate the user interface of Windows applications.
UIA provides a range of features, including the ability to access and manipulate user interface elements, such as buttons, menus, and text boxes. It also allows developers to retrieve information about those elements, such as their location, properties, and state.
UIA can be used to automate tasks in Windows applications, such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, and navigating menus. It can also be used to create accessibility tools for users with disabilities, such as screen readers and magnifiers.
Overall, Windows.UIA is an important tool for developers who want to create powerful and accessible applications for Windows.
python UIA3
Python UIA3是一个Python库,用于与Microsoft UI Automation(UIA)API交互,以便在Windows上进行自动化测试。它提供了一组API,可以访问UIA元素的属性和方法,以及模拟用户与UI元素的交互。使用Python UIA3,您可以编写Python脚本来测试Windows应用程序的UI,例如桌面应用程序,Windows 10应用程序和Universal Windows Platform(UWP)应用程序。如果您想了解更多关于Python UIA3的信息,可以查看官方文档:
# 示例代码
import uiautomation as automation
# 打开Windows应用程序
app = automation.StartApplication('notepad.exe')
# 获取窗口句柄
window = app.WindowControl(searchDepth=1, ClassName='Notepad')
# 在记事本中输入文本
edit = window.EditControl(searchDepth=1, ClassName='Edit')
edit.SendKeys('Hello, World!')
# 保存并关闭记事本
menu = window.MenuItemControl(Name='文件(F)')
save = window.EditControl(searchDepth=2, ClassName='Edit')
saveButton = window.ButtonControl(Name='保存(S)')