values = ['100M', '40M', '20M', '5M', '80M', '200M'] numeric_values = [int(value.strip('M')) for value in values] df1['下行带宽'] = df1['下行带宽'].astype(str).str.strip('M') # 去除 '下行带宽' 列中的 'M' 字符 df1['下行带宽'] = df1['下行带宽'].replace('NULL', np.nan) # 将 'NULL' 替换为 NaN df1['下行带宽'] = df1['下行带宽'].fillna(0) # 将缺失值替换为 0 df1['下行带宽'] = df1['下行带宽'].astype(int) # 转换为整数 以上代码运行后会将下行带宽为100的数据变为0,怎么解决
时间: 2023-09-11 07:09:35 浏览: 203
1. 数据中含有其他不可见字符导致的匹配问题。
2. 数据中含有其他特殊字符导致的替换问题。
import re
df1['下行带宽'] = df1['下行带宽'].astype(str).str.strip('M') # 去除 '下行带宽' 列中的 'M' 字符
df1['下行带宽'] = df1['下行带宽'].replace('NULL', np.nan) # 将 'NULL' 替换为 NaN
# 使用正则表达式匹配数字部分,并转换为整数
df1['下行带宽'] = df1['下行带宽'].str.extract(r'(\d+)').astype(float).fillna(0).astype(int)
在上述代码中,我们使用正则表达式 `r'(\d+)'` 来匹配字符串中的数字部分,然后将其转换为浮点数,并填充缺失值为0,最后转换为整数类型。
# 按照 category1 和 category2 分组,并统计个数 counts = data.groupby(['职业', '睡眠障碍']).size().reset_index(name='count') # 按照 category1 分组,统计总数 total_counts = counts.groupby(['职业']).agg({'count': 'sum'}).reset_index() # 合并两个数据框,计算百分比 merged_counts = pd.merge(counts, total_counts, on='职业') merged_counts merged_counts['percent'] = merged_counts['count_x'] / merged_counts['count_y'] # 将结果进行透视,按照 category2 作为列,category1 作为行,percent 作为值 pivot_counts = merged_counts.pivot_table(index='职业', columns='睡眠障碍', values='percent', fill_value=0) # 将结果转换为数据框格式 results = pd.DataFrame(pivot_counts.to_records()) results numeric_cols = results.select_dtypes(include=['float', 'int']).columns.tolist() results[numeric_cols] = results[numeric_cols].apply(lambda x: y: '{:.2f}%'.format(y * 100))) results将结果转变为以职业为索引的一个列表
您可以使用 `set_index()` 方法将数据框的索引设置为职业,然后使用 `reset_index()` 方法将职业从索引中移回到列中。这将创建一个新的数据框,其中职业是索引,而睡眠障碍是列。以下是一个示例:
import pandas as pd
# 创建一个数据框
data = {'职业': ['医生', '医生', '护士', '护士', '护士', '教师', '教师', '教师', '律师', '律师'],
'睡眠障碍': ['无', '有', '无', '有', '无', '无', '有', '有', '无', '有']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# 分组和计数
counts = df.groupby(['职业', '睡眠障碍']).size().reset_index(name='count')
# 计算总数和百分比
total_counts = counts.groupby(['职业']).agg({'count': 'sum'}).reset_index()
merged_counts = pd.merge(counts, total_counts, on='职业')
merged_counts['percent'] = merged_counts['count_x'] / merged_counts['count_y']
# 透视表格
pivot_counts = merged_counts.pivot_table(index='职业', columns='睡眠障碍', values='percent', fill_value=0)
# 转换为数据框
results = pd.DataFrame(pivot_counts.to_records())
# 将职业设为索引
results = results.set_index('职业')
# 格式化百分比
numeric_cols = results.select_dtypes(include=['float']).columns.tolist()
results[numeric_cols] = results[numeric_cols].applymap(lambda x: '{:.2f}%'.format(x * 100))
# 打印结果
无 有
医生 50.00% 50.00%
护士 50.00% 50.00%
律师 100.00% 0.00%
教师 33.33% 66.67%
int len = accumulate(point_counts.begin(), point_counts.end(), 0);
This line of code calculates the total number of points in a collection by using the `accumulate()` function from the `<numeric>` library.
`point_counts` is assumed to be a container (such as a vector or array) that contains the number of points in each sub-collection.
The first argument to `accumulate()` is the beginning of the range of values to be accumulated (in this case, `point_counts.begin()`), and the second argument is the end of the range (in this case, `point_counts.end()`).
The third argument (0) is the initial value of the sum.
The `accumulate()` function adds up all the values in the range and returns the total sum, which is assigned to the variable `len`. Therefore, `len` represents the total number of points in all sub-collections combined.