时间: 2024-06-19 10:02:53 浏览: 336
在 InfluxDB 中,可以通过修改配置文件来改变端口。下面是具体步骤:
1. 打开配置文件
在 Linux 系统中,InfluxDB 的默认配置文件路径为 /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf。在 Windows 系统中,InfluxDB 的默认配置文件路径为 C:\Program Files\InfluxDB\influxdb.conf。
2. 修改端口号
在配置文件中找到 [http] 部分。可以看到默认情况下,InfluxDB 使用的是 8086 端口。如果需要更改端口,只需要将 port 值修改为新的端口号即可。
例如,将端口号改为 8888:
# Determines whether HTTP endpoint is enabled.
enabled = true
# The bind address used by the HTTP service.
bind-address = ":8086"
# Determines whether HTTP authentication is enabled.
auth-enabled = false
# The default realm sent back when issuing a basic auth challenge.
realm = "InfluxDB"
# Determines whether HTTPS is enabled.
https-enabled = false
# The SSL certificate to use when HTTPS is enabled.
https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"
# The SSL private key to use when HTTPS is enabled.
https-private-key = ""
# The JWT auth shared secret to validate tokens against.
shared-secret = ""
# Determines whether the pprof endpoint is enabled.
pprof-enabled = false
# The max number of concurrent HTTP connections that may be open at once. If
# this limit is exceeded, incoming connections may be dropped.
max-concurrent-connections = 0
# The maximum request body size that the HTTP server will accept.
max-body-size = 0
# Whether the server should log the response time for requests.
log-enabled = true
# The port used by the HTTP service.
port = ":8888"
3. 保存配置文件
修改完成后,保存配置文件即可。在 Linux 系统中,使用如下命令重启 InfluxDB:
sudo systemctl restart influxdb
在 Windows 系统中,重新启动 InfluxDB 服务即可。