hist(math_scores,bins=10,fill="blue" color="black", main="Math Scores Distribution")
时间: 2024-10-18 20:11:50 浏览: 24
The provided code snippets demonstrate how to create visualizations of distributions in Python using seaborn library. Here's a brief explanation and demonstration of creating a histogram:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
# Let's assume math_scores is a list or pandas Series with mathematics scores
math_scores = ... # Replace with your actual data
# Plotting a histogram using Seaborn
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 6)) # Create a new figure with one subplot
sns.histplot(data=math_scores, bins=10, # Use histplot function from seaborn
fill="blue", # Fill the bars with blue color
color="black", # Set the edge color to black
kde=False, # Since we want a histogram, not a density plot
ax=ax, # Pass the axis object to set the plot within it
element="stepfilled", # Make it filled bars (not steps)
alpha=0.7, # Reduce opacity for better visibility
label="Math Scores") # Add a label for the legend
# Customizing the plot
ax.set_title("Math Scores Distribution") # Set the title
ax.set_xlabel("Score") # Label the x-axis
ax.set_ylabel("Frequency") # Label the y-axis
ax.legend() # Display the legend
plt.show() # Display the plot
This code creates a histogram of `math_scores` with 10 bins, fills the bars in blue, and adds a title and labels for clarity.