The method get(int) in the type List<Map<String,Object>> is not applicable for the arguments (String)
时间: 2024-04-16 11:25:35 浏览: 272
This error occurs when you try to call the `get` method on a `List<Map<String, Object>>` object with a `String` argument. The `get` method in this context expects an integer argument, representing the index of the element you want to retrieve from the list.
To fix this error, you need to use an integer value instead of a string when calling the `get` method. For example, if you want to retrieve the element at index 0, you would call `get(0)` instead of `get("someKey")`.
The method getOrDefault(Object, List<String>) in the type Map<Character,List<String>> is not applicable for the arguments (char, new HashSet<>())
这个错误是因为在使用 `getOrDefault()` 方法时,第二个参数的类型应该是 `List<String>`,但是你传递了一个 `HashSet<String>` 类型的对象。你可以将 `idiomSet` 的类型从 `HashSet<String>` 改为 `ArrayList<String>`,或者使用 `Collections.singleton(idiom)` 方法将成语转换为只包含一个元素的 Set,再将 Set 转换为 List,如下所示:
List<String> idiomList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Character, List<String>> idiomMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String idiom : idiomList) {
if (!idiom.isEmpty()) {
char lastChar = idiom.charAt(idiom.length() - 1);
List<String> idiomSet = idiomMap.getOrDefault(lastChar, new ArrayList<>());
idiomMap.put(lastChar, idiomSet);
The method put(String, String) in the type Map<String,String> is not applicable for the arguments (String, int)
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
int value = 123;
map.put("key", Integer.toString(value));