The placement API service was introduced in the 14.0.0 Newton release within the nova repository and extracted to the placement repository in the 19.0.0 Stein release. This is a REST API stack and data model used to track resource provider inventories and usages, along with different classes of resources. For example, a resource provider can be a compute node, a shared storage pool, or an IP allocation pool. The placement service tracks the inventory and usage of each provider. For example, an instance created on a compute node may be a consumer of resources such as RAM and CPU from a compute node resource provider, disk from an external shared storage pool resource provider and IP addresses from an external IP pool resource provider. The types of resources consumed are tracked as classes. The service provides a set of standard resource classes (for example DISK_GB, MEMORY_MB, and VCPU) and provides the ability to define custom resource classes as needed. Each resource provider may also have a set of traits which describe qualitative aspects of the resource provider. Traits describe an aspect of a resource provider that cannot itself be consumed but a workload may wish to specify. For example, available disk may be solid state drives (SSD).
时间: 2024-04-22 13:26:39 浏览: 179
placement API服务在14.0.0版本的Newton发布中首次引入到nova存储库中,并在19.0.0版本的Stein发布中提取到placement存储库中。这是一个用于跟踪资源提供者库存、使用情况和不同资源类别的REST API堆栈和数据模型。例如,一个资源提供者可以是计算节点、共享存储池或IP地址分配池。placement服务跟踪每个提供者的库存和使用情况。例如,创建在计算节点上的实例可能会消耗来自计算节点资源提供者的RAM和CPU资源、来自外部共享存储池资源提供者的磁盘资源,以及来自外部IP地址池资源提供者的IP地址资源。
The placement API service provides a well-documented, JSON-based HTTP API and data model. It is designed to be easy to use from whatever HTTP client is suitable. There is a plugin to the openstackclient command line tool called osc-placement which is useful for occasional inspection and manipulation of the resources in the placement service.
placement API服务提供了一个经过良好文档化的基于JSON的HTTP API和数据模型。它被设计成可以轻松地从适当的HTTP客户端使用。还有一个插件可以集成到openstackclient命令行工具中,名为osc-placement,它对于偶尔检查和操作placement服务中的资源非常有用。
In the initial version of the resource provider schema in the placement API, we stuck with a simple world-view that resource providers could be related to each other only via an aggregate relationship. In other words, a resource provider “X” may provide shared resources to a set of other resource providers “S” if and only if “X” was associated with an aggregate “A” that all members of “S” were also associated with. This relationship works perfectly fine for things like shared storage or IP pools. However, certain classes of resource require a more parent->child relationship than a many-to-many relationship that the aggregate association offers. Two examples of where a parent->child relationship is more appropriate are when handling VCPU/MEMORY_MB resources on NUMA nodes on a compute host and when handling SRIOV_NET_VF resources for NICs on a compute host. In the case of NUMA nodes, the system must be able to track how many VCPU and MEMORY_MB have been allocated from each individual NUMA node on the host. Allocating memory to a guest and having that memory span address space across two banks of DIMMs attached to different NUMA nodes results in sub-optimal performance, and for certain high-performance guest workloads this penalty is not acceptable.
在placement API中的资源提供者模式的初始版本中,我们坚持了一个简单的观点,即资源提供者之间只能通过聚合关系相互关联。换句话说,如果且仅当资源提供者“X”与所有成员资源提供者“S”都关联到同一个聚合“A”时,资源提供者“X”才能向资源提供者“S”提供共享资源。