No such file or directory: 'D:\\资料\\铜陵外场第三天\\下午\\均值截图/3-13000-100y'
时间: 2023-08-16 08:06:19 浏览: 83
No such file or directory : No such file or directory : No such file or directoryk
I'm sorry, could you please provide more context or information about the issue you are facing? What command or action are you trying to perform? And what is the full error message you are seeing?
./configure --prefix=/Users/admin/Downloads/protobuf-3.1 3.0 zsh: no such file or directory: ./configure
这个错误提示表明在当前目录下并没有名为 `configure` 的文件,因此它无法找到这个文件并执行它。
请确认你是否在正确的目录下执行了该命令。如果该目录确实存在 `configure` 文件,则可能是文件权限的问题。你可以尝试使用 `chmod` 命令为该文件添加执行权限,例如:
chmod +x configure
然后再次运行 `./configure` 命令。