mybatis insert ignore into
时间: 2023-08-04 08:04:17 浏览: 299
MyBatis does not provide a built-in "INSERT IGNORE INTO" functionality like some other database frameworks. However, you can achieve a similar effect by using the "INSERT INTO ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" syntax. This allows you to insert a record into a table, and if a duplicate key violation occurs, you can specify how to handle it.
Here's an example of how you can use the "INSERT INTO ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" syntax in MyBatis:
<insert id="insertRecord" parameterType="YourRecordType">
INSERT INTO your_table (id, name, ...)
VALUES (#{id}, #{name}, ...)
In this example, "your_table" is the name of your table, and "id" and "name" are the columns you want to insert. The "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" clause specifies how to handle duplicate key violations, where "name = VALUES(name)" updates the "name" column with the new value.
Remember to replace "YourRecordType" with the actual type of your record object, and include other necessary columns and values in the INSERT statement.
Please note that the exact syntax may vary depending on your database vendor. Make sure to consult your database documentation for the appropriate syntax for your specific database.