时间: 2024-11-03 21:19:22 浏览: 17
% 初始化
img_path = 'lena.jpg'; % 修改为你所需的图像路径
sigma = 5; % 高斯噪声标准差
salt_percent = 0.05; % 椒盐噪声比例
harmonic_factor = 0.8; % 反谐波滤波器系数
% 读取图像并转换为灰度
img = imread(img_path, 'rgb');
gray_img = rgb2gray(img);
% 添加高斯噪声
gaussian_noisy = imnoise(gray_img, 'gaussian', 0, sigma);
% 添加椒盐噪声
[row, col] = size(gray_img);
salt_mask = rand(row, col) < salt_percent;
pepper_mask = rand(row, col) > 1 - salt_percent;
salt_pepper_noisy = bsxfun(@max, gray_img .* salt_mask, gray_img .* pepper_mask) ...
% 各种滤波操作
% 均值滤波
blurred_gray = medfilt2(gray_img, [3 3]);
% 高斯滤波恢复
degraded_with_gaussian = imnoise(blurred_gray, 'gaussian', 0, sigma);
recovered_gray_1 = imdeconvolve(degraded_with_gaussian, ones(13)/169, blurred_gray);
% 维纳滤波恢复
wiener_matrix = gray_img ./ blurred_gray;
recovered_gray_2 = wiener2(degraded_with_gaussian, wiener_matrix);
% 对彩色图像处理
for channel = 1:3
img(:,:,channel) = ... % 应用相同的滤波步骤
% 展示原始和处理后的图像
subplot(2, 3, 1), imshow(uint8(gray_img)), title('Original Gray Image')
subplot(2, 3, 2), imshow(uint8(blurred_gray)), title('Blurred Image')
subplot(2, 3, 3), imshow(uint8(gaussian_noisy)), title('Noisy Image (Gaussian)')
subplot(2, 3, 4), imshow(uint8(salt_pepper_noisy)), title('Noisy Image (Salt & Pepper)')
subplot(2, 3, 5), imshow(uint8(recovered_gray_1)), title('Recovered with Inverse Filter')
subplot(2, 3, 6), imshow(uint8(recovered_gray_2)), title('Recovered with Wiener Filter')
% 保存图像
imwrite(img, 'result_after_processing.jpg');
% 假设椒盐噪声处理部分(针对彩色图像)未实现,因为彩色图像通常不是简单地在每个通道上做椒盐处理