生成短时傅里叶的代码 MATLAB
时间: 2023-08-31 19:36:34 浏览: 97
### 回答1:
下面是 MATLAB 中生成短时傅里叶变换 (Short-Time Fourier Transform, STFT) 的代码:
function [S, f, t] = stft(x, fs, win, N)
%STFT Short-time Fourier Transform
% [S, f, t] = STFT(x, fs, win, N) returns the short-time Fourier transform
% of the signal x, sampled at fs Hz. win is the analysis window and N is the
% FFT size. S is the complex STFT matrix, f are the frequencies, and t are
% the time frames.
% Calculate the number of frames
L = length(x);
K = floor((L-N)/(N/2)) + 1;
% Create the time frames and window function
t = (0:K-1)*(N/2)/fs;
win = win(:)/norm(win);
% Initialize the STFT matrix
S = zeros(N, K);
% Loop over each frame
for k = 1:K
% Extract the k-th frame
xw = x((k-1)*(N/2)+1:(k-1)*(N/2)+N).*win;
% Compute the FFT
X = fft(xw, N);
% Store the result in the STFT matrix
S(:,k) = X;
% Compute the frequencies
f = (0:N-1)*fs/N;
% Load a signal
x = wavread('signal.wav');
% Define the sampling frequency (in Hz)
fs = 44100;
% Define the analysis window
win = hann(1024);
% Define the FFT size
N = 1024;
% Compute the STFT
[S, f, t] = stft(x, fs, win, N);
% Plot the spectrogram
imagesc(t, f, 20*log10(abs(S)))
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
axis xy
这段代码可以计算并绘制信号 `x` 的频谱图(即短时傅里叶变换)。其中,变量 `fs` 表示采样频率(单位为 Hz),变量 `win` 表示分析窗口,变量 `N` 表示 FFT 的大小。
### 回答2:
生成短时傅里叶(Short-Time Fourier Transform, STFT)的代码可以使用MATLAB的信号处理工具箱来完成。下面是一个简单的实现示例:
% 输入信号
x = randn(1, 1000); % 假设输入信号为随机噪声
% STFT参数设定
winLength = 256; % 窗口长度
hopSize = 128; % 帧移
nfft = 512; % FFT点数
% 计算STFT
[s, f, t] = spectrogram(x, hamming(winLength), winLength - hopSize, nfft);
% s为STFT结果矩阵,每一列代表一个时间窗口的频谱
% f为频率向量,表示每一行(帧)对应的频率
% t为时间向量,表示每一列对应的时间
% 显示STFT结果
imagesc(t, f, 20*log10(abs(s))) % 以对数刻度绘制幅度谱
axis xy % 调整坐标轴方向
colorbar % 增加颜色条
xlabel('时间 (秒)')
ylabel('频率 (Hz)')