时间: 2023-04-18 09:01:00 浏览: 92
ropy_with_logits是一个函数,用于计算稀疏softmax交叉熵损失。它的输入包括logits和labels,其中logits是一个形状为[batch_size, num_classes]的张量,labels是一个形状为[batch_size]的整数张量,其中每个元素都是0到num_classes-1之间的整数。该函数返回一个形状为[batch_size]的张量,其中每个元素都是相应样本的损失。
tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits is a function in the TensorFlow library that computes the softmax cross-entropy loss between the logits and the true labels. It is used for multi-class classification problems where the target labels are integers rather than one-hot encoded vectors. The function takes two arguments: logits and labels. The logits are the unnormalized log probabilities computed by the model, while the labels are the true class labels. The function computes the cross-entropy loss by first applying the softmax function to the logits and then calculating the negative log likelihood of the true labels. The resulting loss is a scalar value that can be used to optimize the model parameters using gradient descent algorithms.
1. 输入参数:logits是模型的输出结果,shape为[batch_size, num_classes];labels是真实标签,shape为[batch_size]。
2. 对labels进行one-hot编码得到shape为[batch_size, num_classes]的矩阵。
3. 计算logits的softmax值,得到shape为[batch_size, num_classes]的矩阵。
4. 将softmax值与one-hot编码的标签相乘,得到shape为[batch_size, num_classes]的矩阵。
5. 对矩阵按行求和,得到shape为[batch_size]的向量。
6. 对向量中每个元素进行log运算,得到shape为[batch_size]的向量。
7. 将向量中每个元素与-1相乘,得到shape为[batch_size]的向量。
8. 对向量中每个元素求平均值,得到一个标量。
9. 返回标量作为损失函数的值。