namenode is running as process
时间: 2023-04-18 13:01:13 浏览: 276
"namenode is running as process" 的意思是“namenode正在作为一个进程运行”。在Hadoop分布式文件系统中,namenode是主节点,负责管理文件系统的命名空间和访问控制。因此,当我们看到“namenode is running as process”的消息时,它表示namenode正在以进程的方式运行,并且可以处理文件系统的各种操作。
namenode is running as process stop it first
If you want to stop the NameNode process in Hadoop, you can use the following command:
``` stop namenode
This will stop the NameNode process. If you're running Hadoop in a cluster, you may need to run this command on each node where the NameNode is running.
Alternatively, you can use the `jps` command to find the process ID (PID) of the NameNode, and then use the `kill` command to stop the process. For example:
This will list all the Java processes running on your system. Look for the process with the name `NameNode` and note its PID. Then, use the following command to stop the process:
kill <PID>
Replace `<PID>` with the actual PID of the NameNode process. This will send a signal to the process to stop gracefully. If the process doesn't stop, you can use the `kill -9 <PID>` command to force it to stop. However, this may cause data loss or other issues, so use it as a last resort.
$HADOOP_HOME/sbin/ WARNING: Attempting to start all Apache Hadoop daemons as ys in 10 seconds. WARNING: This is not a recommended production deployment configuration. WARNING: Use CTRL-C to abort. Starting namenodes on [hadoop102] hadoop102: namenode is running as process 47117. Stop it first. Starting datanodes hadoop102: datanode is running as process 47344. Stop it first. Starting secondary namenodes [hadoop104] hadoop104: secondarynamenode is running as process 45483. Stop it first. Starting resourcemanager Starting nodemanagers hadoop104: nodemanager is running as process 45737. Stop it first. hadoop102: nodemanager is running as process 48058. Stop it first. hadoop103: nodemanager is running as process 45465. Stop it fir
- `jps`:列出所有正在运行的Java进程。
- `hdfs dfsadmin -report`:列出HDFS的状态报告。
- `yarn node -list`:列出YARN节点的状态。