java 自行设计一个程序 实现如下数据类型自动转换和强制转换 byte到short到int到long到float到double和char到int到long到float到double
时间: 2024-10-19 19:05:57 浏览: 32
public class TypeConversionExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte byteValue = 50; // 定义一个byte变量
short shortValue = byteValue; // 自动转换byte to short
System.out.println("Byte to Short: " +.shortValue);
int intValue = shortValue; // 自动转换short to int
System.out.println("Short to Int: " + intValue);
long longValue = intValue; // 自动转换int to long
System.out.println("Int to Long: " + longValue);
float floatValue = longValue; // 自动转换long to float
System.out.println("Long to Float: " + floatValue);
double doubleValue = floatValue; // 自动转换float to double
System.out.println("Float to Double: " + doubleValue);
char charValue = 'a'; // 定义一个char
int intFromChar = (int) charValue; // 强制转换char to int
System.out.println("Char to Int: " + intFromChar);
long longFromInt = (long) intFromChar; // 强制转换int to long
System.out.println("Int to Long (forced): " + longFromInt);
float floatFromLong = (float) longFromInt; // 强制转换long to float
System.out.println("Long to Float (forced): " + floatFromLong);
double doubleFromFloat = (double) floatFromLong; // 强制转换float to double
System.out.println("Float to Double (forced): " + doubleFromFloat);