'and a.indate>=''' +convert(nvarchar(10),@begindate,120)+''' '
时间: 2024-01-18 11:04:15 浏览: 118
This code is concatenating a string that includes a SQL query to filter data based on a date range.
The query is filtering a table called 'a' by the 'indate' column. The @begindate parameter is being converted to a string format with the 120 format code (which is the ODBC canonical format for datetime). The resulting string is then concatenated with the rest of the query to form a complete SQL statement.
Overall, this code is likely part of a larger SQL query that is being built dynamically based on user input or other variables.
DECLARE @dimension_ID int = 1; DECLARE @dimension_Content nvarchar(50); WHILE @dimension_ID <= (SELECT MAX([ID]) FROM [AP_Inventory].[dbo].[MD_Variation_Dimension]) BEGIN SET @dimension_Content = (SELECT [Dimension] FROM [AP_Inventory].[dbo].[MD_Variation_Dimension] WHERE [ID] = @dimension_ID); EXEC(' SELECT a.[CompanyCtry], a.[SBU], a.'+@dimension_Content+', a.[Inv_CM], b.[Inv_LM], ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY a.[CompanyCtry], a.[SBU] ORDER BY ABS(a.[Inv_CM] - b.[Inv_LM]) DESC ) as RowNo INTO [AP_Inventory].[dbo].[Temp_vs_CY_LM] FROM ( SELECT [CompanyCtry], [SBU_2023] as [SBU], '+@dimension_Content+', SUM([TotalInv_EUR]) as [Inv_CM] FROM [AP_Inventory].[dbo].[Inv_Details_for_PowerBI] WHERE DATEDIFF(MONTH, DATEFROMPARTS([ReportYear], [ReportMonth], 1), GETDATE()) = 1 and [StockCategory] <> ''Vendor Consignment'' and '+@dimension_Content+' is not null GROUP BY [CompanyCtry], [SBU_2023], '+@dimension_Content+' ) as a, ( SELECT [CompanyCtry], [SBU_2023] as [SBU], '+@dimension_Content+', SUM([TotalInv_EUR]) as [Inv_LM] FROM [AP_Inventory].[dbo].[Inv_Details_for_PowerBI] WHERE DATEDIFF(MONTH, DATEFROMPARTS([ReportYear], [ReportMonth], 1), GETDATE()) = 2 and [StockCategory] <> ''Vendor Consignment'' and '+@dimension_Content+' is not null GROUP BY [CompanyCtry], [SBU_2023], '+@dimension_Content+' ) as b WHERE a.[CompanyCtry] = b.[CompanyCtry] and a.[SBU] = b.[SBU] and a.'+@dimension_Content+' = b.'+@dimension_Content+' ') EXEC(' UPDATE a SET a.[vs_CY_LM_Content] = b.'+@dimension_Content+', a.[vs_CY_LM_Content_Qty] = b.[Inv_CM], a.[vs_CY_LM_Delta_Qty] = b.[Inv_CM] - b.[Inv_LM] FROM [AP_Inventory].[dbo].[Calculate_Top_Variation_V4] as a, [AP_Inventory].[dbo].[Temp_vs_CY_LM] as b WHERE a.[Organization] = b.[CompanyCtry] and a.[SBU] = b.[SBU] and a.[Dimension] = '''+@dimension_Content+''' and a.[vs_CY_LM_Rank] = b.[RowNo] and DATEDIFF(MONTH, DATEFROMPARTS(a.[Report_Year], a.[Report_Month], 1), GETDATE()) = 1; '); DROP TABLE [AP_Inventory].[dbo].[Temp_vs_CY_LM]; SET @dimension_ID = @dimension_ID + 1; 在这段代码里面exec函数有什么意义呢,并且一整段函数有什么意义。
最后,使用DROP TABLE语句删除临时表。
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[getHcrStat1580] @wherestr varchar(200), @YMD tinyint AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @class varchar(200),@grpstr varchar(50),@sql nvarchar(1200),@colstr varchar(400),@table varchar(20) set @table='[NGtbhcr1580]' set @class='class' if @YMD=0 begin set @colstr='rq=YMD,FUR_NO,'+@class set @grpstr=' group by YMD,FUR_NO,class' end else if @YMD=1 begin set @colstr='rq=YM,FUR_NO,'+@class set @grpstr=' group by YM,FUR_NO,class with rollup' end else if @YMD=2 begin set @colstr='rq=YY,FUR_NO,'+@class set @grpstr=' group by YY,FUR_NO,class with rollup' end set @sql='select '+@colstr+'from '+@table+' where YMD between '+@wherestr+@grpstr exec sp_executesql @sql,N'@colstr varchar(400)',@colstr end
这是一个 SQL 存储过程,根据传入的参数 @wherestr 和 @YMD,查询 NGtbhcr1580 表中符合条件的数据,并按照日期、FUR_NO 和 class 进行分组统计。其中,@YMD 参数为 0 时按日统计,为 1 时按月统计,为 2 时按年统计。查询结果包括日期、FUR_NO 和 class 三个字段,以及对应的统计数据。