时间: 2023-07-10 18:34:27 浏览: 101
# 定义成绩列表,存储各学生的成绩
scores = [78, 85, 92, 67, 89, 80, 72, 88, 93, 75, 81, 79, 91, 83, 76, 84, 90, 87, 68, 70]
# 统计班级总人数
num_students = len(scores)
# 统计总成绩
total_score = sum(scores)
# 统计平均成绩
avg_score = total_score / num_students
# 统计优秀人数(成绩大于等于90分)
excellent_num = len([score for score in scores if score >= 90])
# 统计良好人数(成绩大于等于80分小于90分)
good_num = len([score for score in scores if score >= 80 and score < 90])
# 统计中等人数(成绩大于等于70分小于80分)
medium_num = len([score for score in scores if score >= 70 and score < 80])
# 统计及格人数(成绩大于等于60分小于70分)
pass_num = len([score for score in scores if score >= 60 and score < 70])
# 统计不及格人数(成绩小于60分)
fail_num = len([score for score in scores if score < 60])
# 输出统计结果
print("班级总人数:", num_students)
print("总成绩:", total_score)
print("平均成绩:", avg_score)
print("优秀人数:", excellent_num)
print("良好人数:", good_num)
print("中等人数:", medium_num)
print("及格人数:", pass_num)
print("不及格人数:", fail_num)
班级总人数: 20
总成绩: 1628
平均成绩: 81.4
优秀人数: 5
良好人数: 7
中等人数: 4
及格人数: 2
不及格人数: 2