时间: 2023-05-22 11:07:30 浏览: 94
import numpy as np import cv2 def PSO_Gabor(func, x0, bounds, niters=100, nparticles=20, w=0.5, c1=1, c2=1): nparams = len(bounds) x = np.zeros((nparticles, nparams)) v = np.zeros_like(x) pbest = np.zeros_like(x) fitness = np.zeros(nparticles) gbest = np.zeros(nparams) gbest_fitness = np.inf for i in range(nparticles): x[i,:] = x0 + np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=nparams) v[i,:] = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=nparams) pbest[i,:] = x[i,:] fitness[i] = func(x[i,:]) if fitness[i] < gbest_fitness: gbest_fitness = fitness[i] gbest = x[i,:] for _ in range(niters): for i in range(nparticles): v[i,:] = w*v[i,:] + c1*np.random.uniform(0,1,size=nparams)*(pbest[i,:] - x[i,:]) + c2*np.random.uniform(0,1,size=nparams)*(gbest - x[i,:]) x[i,:] = np.clip(x[i,:] + v[i,:], bounds[:,0], bounds[:,1]) fitness[i] = func(x[i,:]) if fitness[i] < pbest[i]: pbest[i,:] = x[i,:]这段代码如何使用呢
这段代码是使用粒子群优化算法来求解 Gabor 滤波器的最优参数。要使用这段代码,你需要定义一个函数 `func`,它接受一个长度为 `nparams` 的数组作为输入,并返回一个标量作为输出,代表 Gabor 滤波器在这组参数下的性能。
你还需要指定 Gabor 滤波器参数的搜索空间,即一个形状为 `(nparams, 2)` 的数组 `bounds`,其中第 `i` 行对应第 `i` 个参数的搜索上下界。
然后,你可以按照以下方式调用 `PSO_Gabor` 函数:
best_params = PSO_Gabor(func, x0, bounds, niters=100, nparticles=20, w=0.5, c1=1, c2=1)
其中,`x0` 是一个长度为 `nparams` 的数组,表示初始粒子的位置。`niters` 是迭代次数,`nparticles` 是粒子数,`w`、`c1` 和 `c2` 是算法的三个超参数。
函数返回一个长度为 `nparams` 的数组,表示在迭代过程中找到的具有最优性能的 Gabor 滤波器参数。
import numpy as np
def fitness_func(x):
# The fitness function to be optimized
# Here, we are optimizing the Gabor transform
# using particle swarm optimization (PSO)
def PSO():
# Initialize swarm
swarm_size = 30
n_variables = 5
lower_bound = -10
upper_bound = 10
position = np.random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound, (swarm_size, n_variables))
velocity = np.zeros((swarm_size, n_variables))
# PSO parameters
w = 0.7
c1 = 1.4
c2 = 1.4
max_iter = 100
# Initialize personal and global best score and position
pbest_position = position.copy()
pbest_score = np.zeros(swarm_size)
for i in range(swarm_size):
pbest_score[i] = fitness_function(pbest_position[i])
gbest_index = np.argmin(pbest_score)
gbest_position = pbest_position[gbest_index].copy()
gbest_score = pbest_score[gbest_index]
# Run PSO
for iter in range(max_iter):
for i in range(swarm_size):
r1 = np.random.rand(n_variables)
r2 = np.random.rand(n_variables)
velocity[i] = w * velocity[i] + c1 * r1 * (pbest_position[i] - position[i]) + c2 * r2 * (gbest_position - position[i])
position[i] = position[i] + velocity[i]
# Check for boundary violations and correct them
for j in range(n_variables):
if position[i,j] < lower_bound:
position[i,j] = lower_bound
elif position[i,j] > upper_bound:
position[i,j] = upper_bound
# Evaluate fitness
score = fitness_function(position[i])
# Update personal and global best position and score
if score < pbest_score[i]:
pbest_score[i] = score
pbest_position[i] = position[i].copy()
if score < gbest_score:
gbest_score = score
gbest_position = position[i].copy()
return gbest_position, gbest_score