expected initializer
时间: 2023-04-19 22:01:28 浏览: 139
"expected initializer" 是一个编程错误的提示信息。它通常出现在程序员试图为变量或常量赋值时,但未给变量提供初始值的情况下。这意味着编译器期望在变量声明中提供一个初始值,以便在程序中使用变量时不会出现未定义的行为。要解决此错误,程序员需要在声明变量时提供适当的初始值。
colon expected
This error message typically occurs in programming languages such as Java or C++ when the compiler encounters a syntax error that involves a missing or misplaced colon.
For example, in Java, a colon is used to separate the condition from the body in a for-each loop:
for (int i : myArray) {
// do something
If a colon is missing or misplaced in this code, the compiler will generate a "colon expected" error message.
Similarly, in C++, a colon is used to initialize a base class or member variable in a constructor:
class MyClass {
MyClass(int x) : myInt(x) {
// do something
int myInt;
If the colon is missing or misplaced in this code, the compiler will generate a similar error message.
12 9 C:\Users\Tjj\Desktop\文件夹\c语言\BinaryHeap.c [Error] expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'Initialize'这是什么错误