getCanvasImg: function (index, failNum, tempFilePaths) { let that = this; if (index < tempFilePaths.length) { wx.getImageInfo({ src: tempFilePaths[index], success: function (res) { const SIZE = 300 const ratio = Math.max((res.width/SIZE)*1, (res.height/SIZE)*1, 1) const smallWidth = Math.trunc(res.width / ratio) const smallHeight = Math.trunc(res.height / ratio) console.log('宽度:',smallWidth) console.log('高度:',smallHeight) console.log('缩放比例:',ratio) // 将宽高大小设置到页面的canvas元素(checkCanvas)上 const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('photo_canvas'); ctx.drawImage(tempFilePaths[index], 0, 0, smallWidth, smallHeight); ctx.draw(false, function () { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ width: smallWidth, height: smallHeight, destWidth: smallWidth, destHeight: smallHeight, canvasId: 'photo_canvas', success: function (res) { var filePaths = res.tempFilePath console.log(filePaths) || ( = []) that.setData({ pics: }) } }) }) } }) } },报错信息是:[渲染层网络层错误] Failed to load local image resource /pages/myProduct/h the server responded with a status of 500 (HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error) (env: macOS,mp,1.06.2303220; lib: 2.32.0)
时间: 2024-02-19 18:02:10 浏览: 83
这个错误信息提示你在加载本地图片资源时出现了问题,可能是由于服务器内部错误导致的。建议你检查一下本地图片资源的路径是否正确,并确认服务器是否正常运行。同时,可以检查一下调用 wx.getImageInfo()方法时传入的 tempFilePaths[index] 参数是否正确,并确保该图片资源存在。如果问题仍然存在,你可以尝试重新启动服务器或联系服务器管理员寻求帮助。
getCanvasImg: function (tempFilePaths) { let that = this; wx.getImageInfo({ src: tempFilePaths, success: function (res) { const SIZE = 300 const ratio = Math.max((res.width/SIZE)*1, (res.height/SIZE)*1, 1) const smallWidth = Math.trunc(res.width / ratio) const smallHeight = Math.trunc(res.height / ratio) console.log('宽度:',smallWidth) console.log('高度:',smallHeight) console.log('缩放比例:',ratio) const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('photo_canvas'); ctx.drawImage(tempFilePaths, 0, 0, smallWidth, smallHeight); ctx.draw(false, function () { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ width: smallWidth, height: smallHeight, destWidth: smallWidth, destHeight: smallHeight, canvasId: 'photo_canvas', success: function (res) { console.log(res.tempFilePath) var filePaths = res.tempFilePath console.log(filePaths) || ( = []) that.setData({ pics: }) } }) }) } }) },报错信息是: Failed to load local image resource /pages/myProduct/h the server responded with a status of 500 (HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error) (env: macOS,mp,1.06.2303220; lib: 2.32.0
wx.getImageInfo({ src: tempFilePaths[index], success: function (res) { const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('photo_canvas'); var picW = res.width, picH = res.height; ctx.drawImage(tempFilePaths[index], 0, 0, 100, parseInt(picH / picW * 100)) ctx.draw(false, function () { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ x: -200, y: -200, width: 100, height: parseInt(picH / picW * 100), destWidth: 100, destHeight: parseInt(picH / picW * 100), canvasId: 'photo_canvas', success: function (res) { var filePaths = res.tempFilePath 请问怎么修改上面的一些参数,让最终输出的图片,按原始比列缩小,而不是固定高度,导致图片形变
1. 将固定高度的参数 `parseInt(picH / picW * 100)` 改为固定宽度的参数 `100`。
2. 计算按照原始比例缩小后的高度,公式为 `picH / picW * 100`。
3. 将 `height` 和 `destHeight` 的值改为按照原始比例计算出的高度。
src: tempFilePaths[index],
success: function (res) {
const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('photo_canvas');
var picW = res.width,
picH = res.height;
ctx.drawImage(tempFilePaths[index], 0, 0, 100, picH / picW * 100)
ctx.draw(false, function () {
x: -200,
y: -200,
width: 100,
height: picH / picW * 100,
destWidth: 100,
destHeight: picH / picW * 100,
canvasId: 'photo_canvas',
success: function (res) {
var filePaths = res.tempFilePath